1、A sequence diagram consists of a sequence of method invocations among a group of method owners and an initial invoker.───一个序列图由在处于一组方法所有者及一个初始发起者之间的,一系列方法标记组成。
2、On reflection, it would have been better if the proxy and invoker classes had been automatically generated.───根据事后反思,如果代理和调用程序类是自动生成的,则会更好。
3、Then the invoker got up and extinguished the light in the hall, so that no glimmer might come through the slit under the door.───然后,召唤者起身,熄灭了厅堂的灯,这样,连门下的缝隙也透不过一丝光线。
4、output result is then sent back to the invoker.───输出结果就会发回给调用者。
5、The Tuscany RuntimeWire invoker then receives the native message and finds the correct invocation chain to call.───TuscanyRuntimeWire调用器随后接收本地消息并找到合适的调用链来执行调用。
6、The caching pattern was employed to store proxy and invoker objects for future use.───缓存模式被用来存储代理和调用程序对象,以供将来使用。
7、There will most likely also be some business entity passed between the service invoker and provider.───很可能在服务调用者和提供者之间存在某个业务实体。
8、Similarly, if an error occurs, the invoker of the procedure needs to decide whether to roll back the process to that point or not.───同样,如果发生错误,那么过程的调用者需要决定是否将过程回退。
9、A corresponds to a single piece of information moving between the invoker and the service.───一个对应在调用者和服务之间传递的一条信息。
1、invention of wings───翅膀的发明
2、bractlet austin investors───小苞片奥斯汀投资者
3、argentic investment───白银投资
4、invulnerable definition───无懈可击的定义
5、involved in a sentence───涉及到一个句子
6、invigorate 8───补气8
7、bernicke investment───伯尼克投资
8、invincible comic───无敌漫画
9、return of investment───投资回报;[经] 投资利润,投资报酬
10、invented by───被……发明
1、A sequence diagram consists of a sequence of method invocations among a group of method owners and an initial invoker.───一个序列图由在处于一组方法所有者及一个初始发起者之间的,一系列方法标记组成。
2、On reflection, it would have been better if the proxy and invoker classes had been automatically generated.───根据事后反思,如果代理和调用程序类是自动生成的,则会更好。
3、Then the invoker got up and extinguished the light in the hall, so that no glimmer might come through the slit under the door.───然后,召唤者起身,熄灭了厅堂的灯,这样,连门下的缝隙也透不过一丝光线。
4、output result is then sent back to the invoker.───输出结果就会发回给调用者。
5、The Tuscany RuntimeWire invoker then receives the native message and finds the correct invocation chain to call.───TuscanyRuntimeWire调用器随后接收本地消息并找到合适的调用链来执行调用。
6、The caching pattern was employed to store proxy and invoker objects for future use.───缓存模式被用来存储代理和调用程序对象,以供将来使用。
7、There will most likely also be some business entity passed between the service invoker and provider.───很可能在服务调用者和提供者之间存在某个业务实体。
8、Similarly, if an error occurs, the invoker of the procedure needs to decide whether to roll back the process to that point or not.───同样,如果发生错误,那么过程的调用者需要决定是否将过程回退。
9、A corresponds to a single piece of information moving between the invoker and the service.───一个对应在调用者和服务之间传递的一条信息。