1、People suffer from obesity because of sedentary study or work.───人们因为久坐的学习或工作而患上肥胖症。
2、Medication side effects and balance issues, which are exacerbated by a sedentary lifestyle, also contribute to fall risks, she said.───久坐不动的生活方式会加剧药物副作用和平衡问题,同时也增加了摔倒的风险。
3、The change from a sedentary to an active lifestyle is not quick and easy but once you cross the line you will not be able to turn back.───向静止的生活向运动的生活转变是循序渐进的,这并不容易。但是你一旦运动起来就会很难回头。
4、Objective assessments of the nearby park opportunities were also linked to how much time children spent in sedentary behaviors.───家长对于家庭附近公园的客观评价也关系到孩子们会有多少时间是待在家里。
5、He was a seaman, but he was a wanderer, too, while most seamen lead, if one may so express it, a sedentary life.───他是一名海员,但又是一个流浪汉;而其他大多数海员,如果可以这样说的话,都过着一种蜗居的生活。
6、Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease.───肥胖和久坐的生活方式被认为会增加患心脏病的几率。
7、You know, I don't know whether that's true because all the studies up until recently have been on older women who were sedentary.───你知道,我不知道是否是真的,因为到目前为止所有的研究都表明岁数大的妇女会习惯于坐着。
8、You need more calories during the day than sedentary people, so it's better to spread them out with a small meal every three to four hours.───你比坐着不动的普通人需要更多的卡路里。所以,最好是把一日三餐打散,每3到4小时就小餐一顿。
9、People suffer from obesity because of sedentary jobs or lifestyles.───人们因久坐不动的工作或生活方式而患上肥胖症。
1、He became increasingly sedentary in later life.
2、Sedentary aging increases protein needs above the current RDA.
3、Most chitons are rather sedentary animals,[Sentence dictionary] living in one spot and venturing short distances in search of food.
4、America's young people are too sedentary.
5、Bookkeeping is a sedentary occupation.
6、People in sedentary jobs need to take exercise.
7、Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease.
8、I don't think a sedentary life would altogether suit me.
1、People suffer from obesity because of sedentary study or work.───人们因为久坐的学习或工作而患上肥胖症。
2、Medication side effects and balance issues, which are exacerbated by a sedentary lifestyle, also contribute to fall risks, she said.───久坐不动的生活方式会加剧药物副作用和平衡问题,同时也增加了摔倒的风险。
3、The change from a sedentary to an active lifestyle is not quick and easy but once you cross the line you will not be able to turn back.───向静止的生活向运动的生活转变是循序渐进的,这并不容易。但是你一旦运动起来就会很难回头。
4、Objective assessments of the nearby park opportunities were also linked to how much time children spent in sedentary behaviors.───家长对于家庭附近公园的客观评价也关系到孩子们会有多少时间是待在家里。
5、He was a seaman, but he was a wanderer, too, while most seamen lead, if one may so express it, a sedentary life.───他是一名海员,但又是一个流浪汉;而其他大多数海员,如果可以这样说的话,都过着一种蜗居的生活。
6、Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease.───肥胖和久坐的生活方式被认为会增加患心脏病的几率。
7、You know, I don't know whether that's true because all the studies up until recently have been on older women who were sedentary.───你知道,我不知道是否是真的,因为到目前为止所有的研究都表明岁数大的妇女会习惯于坐着。
8、You need more calories during the day than sedentary people, so it's better to spread them out with a small meal every three to four hours.───你比坐着不动的普通人需要更多的卡路里。所以,最好是把一日三餐打散,每3到4小时就小餐一顿。
9、People suffer from obesity because of sedentary jobs or lifestyles.───人们因久坐不动的工作或生活方式而患上肥胖症。
1、He became increasingly sedentary in later life.
2、Sedentary aging increases protein needs above the current RDA.
3、Most chitons are rather sedentary animals,[Sentence dictionary] living in one spot and venturing short distances in search of food.
4、America's young people are too sedentary.
5、Bookkeeping is a sedentary occupation.
6、People in sedentary jobs need to take exercise.
7、Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease.
8、I don't think a sedentary life would altogether suit me.
9、Rhinos are largely sedentary animals.