1、Yet "No One Killed Jessica" , released in India earlier this month and due to be shown in Europe, America and elsewhere, avoids hectoring.───不过,本月早些时候在印度上映,并计划在欧美以及其他地区上映的《无人杀害杰西卡》一片,却没有盛气凌人的叙事。
2、Nevertheless, Thatcher's sometimes hectoring, sometimes condescending manner irritated many voters.───尽管如此,SaQieEr的风格还是惹恼了许多选民。
3、He also chided Western nations for hectoring Myanmar, and acting as if its political system should mirror their own.───他还抨击西方国家欺凌缅甸,并说它们好像认为缅甸的政治制度就应照搬西方。
4、Political and economic freedoms are more likely to grow from China's evolution than from American hectoring.───政治和经济自由更可能来自于中国自身的演变,而不是来自美国的威吓。
5、time he was 25, the President of Harvard was hectoring him to join the faculty.───岁时,哈佛的校长便催请他加入教职。
6、The authors avoid a hectoring tone.───作者们避免了虚张声势的语调。
7、a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.───阿兰大声威吓地对我们说,他不会浪费时间讨论这些没用的事情。
8、The pounding fist or raised forefinger in hectoring style will not necessarily enhance the quality of your performance.───砸拳或竖起食指的手势带有威吓的含义,它对提高你表演的质量是无意义的。
9、Meanwhile, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the president's friends at Google are hectoring China on Internet policy.───与此同时,国务卿希拉里克林顿和总统在谷歌的朋友们正在挤兑中国在互联网方面的政策。
1、Alain Gebrec was standing at the entrance to one of the outhouses, hectoring some one inside.
2、She adopted a hectoring tone and continually interrupted in debates.
3、Huffing, bouncing , hectoring fellows do not possess cool courage.
4、He had a loud, hectoring manner.
5、In a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.
6、Pay no attention to him, he's hectoring upon you.
7、Nevertheless, Thatcher's sometimes hectoring, sometimes condescending manner irritated many voters.
8、He could not stand her hectoring moralism.
9、And then Georg had closed in on her, a grumpier, more disapproving, hectoring Georg.
1、Yet "No One Killed Jessica" , released in India earlier this month and due to be shown in Europe, America and elsewhere, avoids hectoring.───不过,本月早些时候在印度上映,并计划在欧美以及其他地区上映的《无人杀害杰西卡》一片,却没有盛气凌人的叙事。
2、Nevertheless, Thatcher's sometimes hectoring, sometimes condescending manner irritated many voters.───尽管如此,SaQieEr的风格还是惹恼了许多选民。
3、He also chided Western nations for hectoring Myanmar, and acting as if its political system should mirror their own.───他还抨击西方国家欺凌缅甸,并说它们好像认为缅甸的政治制度就应照搬西方。
4、Political and economic freedoms are more likely to grow from China's evolution than from American hectoring.───政治和经济自由更可能来自于中国自身的演变,而不是来自美国的威吓。
5、time he was 25, the President of Harvard was hectoring him to join the faculty.───岁时,哈佛的校长便催请他加入教职。
6、The authors avoid a hectoring tone.───作者们避免了虚张声势的语调。
7、a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.───阿兰大声威吓地对我们说,他不会浪费时间讨论这些没用的事情。
8、The pounding fist or raised forefinger in hectoring style will not necessarily enhance the quality of your performance.───砸拳或竖起食指的手势带有威吓的含义,它对提高你表演的质量是无意义的。
9、Meanwhile, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the president's friends at Google are hectoring China on Internet policy.───与此同时,国务卿希拉里克林顿和总统在谷歌的朋友们正在挤兑中国在互联网方面的政策。
1、Alain Gebrec was standing at the entrance to one of the outhouses, hectoring some one inside.
2、She adopted a hectoring tone and continually interrupted in debates.
3、Huffing, bouncing , hectoring fellows do not possess cool courage.
4、He had a loud, hectoring manner.
5、In a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.
6、Pay no attention to him, he's hectoring upon you.
7、Nevertheless, Thatcher's sometimes hectoring, sometimes condescending manner irritated many voters.
8、He could not stand her hectoring moralism.
9、And then Georg had closed in on her, a grumpier, more disapproving, hectoring Georg.