1、Cleanse Your Monthly Bills Go through your monthly bills in order to find and eliminate excess regular expenses.───净化您每月的帐单仔细检查您每月的帐单,以便发现和减少经常性的过度开支。
2、You will have some cash to pay for that emergency, and you can use your regular paycheck for regular expenses.───你可以预留一些现金应急,并且日常开支的话,(剩余的)工资足够应付了。
3、This way, all of your regular expenses in your budget are taken care of.───这样,你预算中的定期支出就不会被漏掉了。
4、No or little additional regular expenses such as lighting, heating etc.───日常费用很低,甚至没有,如电费暖气等。
5、He keeps a regular account of his income and expenses.───他对自己的收入和支出经常记账。
regular expenses(意思翻译)
regular expenses(相似词语短语)
1、general expenses───一般开支;日用开支;(企业)一般费用
2、medical expenses───医疗费,医药费
3、canons regular───常规佳能
4、regular season───常规赛;季赛;n.常规赛; [体]季赛
5、regular───adj.经常的;定期的;有规律的;合格的;整齐的;普通的;n. (Regular)(以)雷古拉尔(人名);n.常客;正式队员;中坚分子
6、expenses on───费用
8、other expenses───[会计]其他费用;[会计]营业外费用
9、regular price───[物价]正常价格
regular expenses(双语使用场景)
1、Cleanse Your Monthly Bills Go through your monthly bills in order to find and eliminate excess regular expenses.───净化您每月的帐单仔细检查您每月的帐单,以便发现和减少经常性的过度开支。
2、You will have some cash to pay for that emergency, and you can use your regular paycheck for regular expenses.───你可以预留一些现金应急,并且日常开支的话,(剩余的)工资足够应付了。
3、This way, all of your regular expenses in your budget are taken care of.───这样,你预算中的定期支出就不会被漏掉了。
4、No or little additional regular expenses such as lighting, heating etc.───日常费用很低,甚至没有,如电费暖气等。
5、He keeps a regular account of his income and expenses.───他对自己的收入和支出经常记账。