1、In this image, however, a wide expanse of water spreads into Manchhar lake (image upper left), and sediment colors the lake water pale green.───然而在图中,一条宽阔的湖水延伸到曼查尔湖(图中左上方),沉积物将湖水染成浅绿色。
2、Hangzhou is based around the West Lake, a vast body of water surrounded by green hills and filled with historic man-made islets and causeways.───杭州城环绕西湖而建。西湖湖面宽阔,四周被绿色群山环抱,湖上有年代久远的人工岛屿和堤道。
3、Rafting roaming and saw a reflection of the lake-green water lake, full of poetic.───泛舟漫游,只见一湖绿水半湖倒影,充满诗情画意。
4、The water of the lake is green and clear.───湖水碧绿澄清。
green water lake(意思翻译)
green water lake(相似词语短语)
1、the lake───湖泊
2、rutile lake───金红石湖
3、darien lake───达里安湖
4、ice lake───冰湖
5、dartford inn green lake───绿湖达特福德酒店
6、lake paradise───天堂湖
7、tiberias lake───太巴列湖(巴勒斯坦的一个湖泊)
green water lake(双语使用场景)
1、In this image, however, a wide expanse of water spreads into Manchhar lake (image upper left), and sediment colors the lake water pale green.───然而在图中,一条宽阔的湖水延伸到曼查尔湖(图中左上方),沉积物将湖水染成浅绿色。
2、Hangzhou is based around the West Lake, a vast body of water surrounded by green hills and filled with historic man-made islets and causeways.───杭州城环绕西湖而建。西湖湖面宽阔,四周被绿色群山环抱,湖上有年代久远的人工岛屿和堤道。
3、Rafting roaming and saw a reflection of the lake-green water lake, full of poetic.───泛舟漫游,只见一湖绿水半湖倒影,充满诗情画意。
4、The water of the lake is green and clear.───湖水碧绿澄清。