1、The second one is the important conditions of trade usage. It can affect to recognize trade usage.───第二,交易习惯的构成要件,此会影响到交易习惯的认定。
2、Supplementing the contract according to trade usage should take priority over supplementing the contract according to arbitrary norm.───依交易习惯补充合同条款应优先于依任意性规范补充合同条款;
3、conduct or dealing and no trade custom or usage shall modify any provisions of this Agreement.───本协议所有约定均不得根据相关作为或商业惯例而修改。
4、The Arbitrators, in accordance with the last paragraph of Art. 13 of the ICC rules, will also take into account the relevant trade usage.───根据国际商会仲裁规则第13条最后一段之规定,仲裁员们也将考虑相关的贸易惯例。
5、However, international trade usage begins to play a more and more important role.───但随着国际经济贸易交往的日益发展,国际贸易惯例的作用越来越大。
6、Let us consider how this maps to standard J2EE security, and then to JACC usage before we look at the trade-offs that come with JACC.───在讨论JACC带来的利弊前,让我们考虑如何将这种关系映射到标准J2EE安全性以及JACC使用。
7、Therefore, thinking these following questions through is necessary: trade usage should refer to custom and customary law.───由此,对以下诸多问题的深入思考就是必须的:交易习惯应兼指习惯和习惯法。
8、Overseas research on trade usage is really more than internal research on it.───国外对交易习惯的研究较多,然而我国对其研究相对阙如。
trade usage(英语使用场景)
1、The Arbitrators, lunette ray ban, in accordance with the last paragraph of Art. 13 of the ICC rules, will also take into account the relevant trade usage.
2、However, international trade usage begins to play a more and more important role.
3、The last one is the judicial practice of trade usage. It can affect to distribute the right and duty between the parties of the contract and to administer the adjudication of the court.
4、Overseas research on trade usage is really more than internal research on it.
5、Therefore, thinking these following questions through is necessary: trade usage should refer to custom and customary law.
6、Supplementing the contract according to trade usage should take priority over supplementing the contract according to arbitrary norm.
7、The Arbitrators, in accordance with the last paragraph of Art. 13 of the ICC rules, will also take into account the relevant trade usage.
8、Trade custom and trade usage are superseded by this Contract and shall not be applicable in interpretation of performance of this Contract.
9、The second one is the important conditions of trade usage. It can affect to recognize trade usage.
trade usage(意思翻译)
trade usage(相似词语短语)
1、belie usage───假用法
3、cursorily usage───草率地使用
5、contrarily usage───反用法
6、gormandize usage───gormandize用法
7、decry usage───谴责使用
8、find usage───查找用法
9、usage hub───使用中心
trade usage(双语使用场景)
1、The second one is the important conditions of trade usage. It can affect to recognize trade usage.───第二,交易习惯的构成要件,此会影响到交易习惯的认定。
2、Supplementing the contract according to trade usage should take priority over supplementing the contract according to arbitrary norm.───依交易习惯补充合同条款应优先于依任意性规范补充合同条款;
3、conduct or dealing and no trade custom or usage shall modify any provisions of this Agreement.───本协议所有约定均不得根据相关作为或商业惯例而修改。
4、The Arbitrators, in accordance with the last paragraph of Art. 13 of the ICC rules, will also take into account the relevant trade usage.───根据国际商会仲裁规则第13条最后一段之规定,仲裁员们也将考虑相关的贸易惯例。
5、However, international trade usage begins to play a more and more important role.───但随着国际经济贸易交往的日益发展,国际贸易惯例的作用越来越大。
6、Let us consider how this maps to standard J2EE security, and then to JACC usage before we look at the trade-offs that come with JACC.───在讨论JACC带来的利弊前,让我们考虑如何将这种关系映射到标准J2EE安全性以及JACC使用。
7、Therefore, thinking these following questions through is necessary: trade usage should refer to custom and customary law.───由此,对以下诸多问题的深入思考就是必须的:交易习惯应兼指习惯和习惯法。
8、Overseas research on trade usage is really more than internal research on it.───国外对交易习惯的研究较多,然而我国对其研究相对阙如。
trade usage(英语使用场景)
1、The Arbitrators, lunette ray ban, in accordance with the last paragraph of Art. 13 of the ICC rules, will also take into account the relevant trade usage.
2、However, international trade usage begins to play a more and more important role.
3、The last one is the judicial practice of trade usage. It can affect to distribute the right and duty between the parties of the contract and to administer the adjudication of the court.
4、Overseas research on trade usage is really more than internal research on it.
5、Therefore, thinking these following questions through is necessary: trade usage should refer to custom and customary law.
6、Supplementing the contract according to trade usage should take priority over supplementing the contract according to arbitrary norm.
7、The Arbitrators, in accordance with the last paragraph of Art. 13 of the ICC rules, will also take into account the relevant trade usage.
8、Trade custom and trade usage are superseded by this Contract and shall not be applicable in interpretation of performance of this Contract.
9、The second one is the important conditions of trade usage. It can affect to recognize trade usage.