1、See myself in the pouring home. See the light come over now. I see myself in the pouring rain. I watch hope come over me.───看着大屋里的自己。看着灯都亮起来了,我在倾盆大雨中看见我自己。我看到希望朝我走来!
2、But I did not care. I felt a great curiosity come over me.───然我却毫不在意,我感到一阵巨大的好奇心攫住了我。
3、Although I had, to some extent, become contented with my solitary lot, yet at times a terrible sense of loneliness and desolation would come over me.───虽然我已经在一定程度上成为我的孤独与很多自得,有时却是可怕的孤独和凄凉的感觉就过来了。
4、A touch of frustration and helplessness come over me as I realize how time flies.───当我意识到时间是如此般飞逝时,便觉三分怅惘,三分无奈。
5、each bridge, a great rush of relief would come over me, only to be replaced in short order by fear of the next obstacle.───每走过一座高桥我就会大大地舒一口气,可等在前面的是又一个令人畏惧的关口。
6、Imoen: I felt something come over me, . A. . . viciousness I've never felt before.───爱蒙:有种感觉涌上来了,,是一种···我从来没有体验过的XieE感觉。
7、At the end of each bridge, a great rush of relief would come over me, only to be replaced in short order by fear of the next obstacle.───每穿过一座高桥我就会大大地舒一口气,可等在前面的是又一个令人畏惧的关口。
8、I was no longer in a tropical area and I felt cold inside and out, the first time such a feeling had come over me.───我不再是在一个热带区域并且我里里外外感觉寒冷,第一次这样感觉来了我。
come over me(英语使用场景)
1、I should have been really happy, but instead I felt a depression come over me.
2、But at issue is what one day I called—using this word which titillated some of you enough to the point of wondering what had come over me—the lathouse.
come over me(意思翻译)
come over me(相似词语短语)
1、just come over───过来吧
2、me come───我来吧
3、come over───过来; 突然感到; 顺便来访; 在上空[上方]经过;过来;顺便来访;抓住
4、come over here───来这里
5、over me───在我身上
6、over come───vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜
7、come on over───回到我身边(歌曲名)
8、come me───来吧
9、to come over───过来
come over me(双语使用场景)
1、See myself in the pouring home. See the light come over now. I see myself in the pouring rain. I watch hope come over me.───看着大屋里的自己。看着灯都亮起来了,我在倾盆大雨中看见我自己。我看到希望朝我走来!
2、But I did not care. I felt a great curiosity come over me.───然我却毫不在意,我感到一阵巨大的好奇心攫住了我。
3、Although I had, to some extent, become contented with my solitary lot, yet at times a terrible sense of loneliness and desolation would come over me.───虽然我已经在一定程度上成为我的孤独与很多自得,有时却是可怕的孤独和凄凉的感觉就过来了。
4、A touch of frustration and helplessness come over me as I realize how time flies.───当我意识到时间是如此般飞逝时,便觉三分怅惘,三分无奈。
5、each bridge, a great rush of relief would come over me, only to be replaced in short order by fear of the next obstacle.───每走过一座高桥我就会大大地舒一口气,可等在前面的是又一个令人畏惧的关口。
6、Imoen: I felt something come over me, . A. . . viciousness I've never felt before.───爱蒙:有种感觉涌上来了,,是一种···我从来没有体验过的XieE感觉。
7、At the end of each bridge, a great rush of relief would come over me, only to be replaced in short order by fear of the next obstacle.───每穿过一座高桥我就会大大地舒一口气,可等在前面的是又一个令人畏惧的关口。
8、I was no longer in a tropical area and I felt cold inside and out, the first time such a feeling had come over me.───我不再是在一个热带区域并且我里里外外感觉寒冷,第一次这样感觉来了我。
come over me(英语使用场景)
1、I should have been really happy, but instead I felt a depression come over me.
2、But at issue is what one day I called—using this word which titillated some of you enough to the point of wondering what had come over me—the lathouse.