1、Their exotic beauty and diverse bounty are global treasures.───它们奇特的美丽和各种的贡献是全球的财富。
2、Studied the aesthetic value of using synonym to avoid repetition which is mainly manifested in the balanced beauty, changed beauty and the perfect combination of diverse unity.───探讨了同义避复的审美价值,认为它的美感主要表现为均衡美、变化美和二者的完美结合而产生的多样统一。
3、The beauty, she says, is how local peoples' stories can help us understand the diverse ways that climate change affects different parts of the earth.───说,这项研究的美妙之处在于,它使我们了解到了当地人的气候观察故事,而恰是这些故事帮助我们了解了气候变化在世界各地不同作用方式。
diverse beauty(意思翻译)
diverse beauty(相似词语短语)
2、diverse culture───多元的文化;丰富的文化
3、boast diverse───吹嘘多样化
4、diverse workforce───多种多样的劳动力
5、boasts diverse───夸耀多样化
6、diverse synonym───同义词
7、diverse meaning───多元意义
8、diverse people───多元化的人
9、morphologically diverse───形态多样
diverse beauty(双语使用场景)
1、Their exotic beauty and diverse bounty are global treasures.───它们奇特的美丽和各种的贡献是全球的财富。
2、Studied the aesthetic value of using synonym to avoid repetition which is mainly manifested in the balanced beauty, changed beauty and the perfect combination of diverse unity.───探讨了同义避复的审美价值,认为它的美感主要表现为均衡美、变化美和二者的完美结合而产生的多样统一。
3、The beauty, she says, is how local peoples' stories can help us understand the diverse ways that climate change affects different parts of the earth.───说,这项研究的美妙之处在于,它使我们了解到了当地人的气候观察故事,而恰是这些故事帮助我们了解了气候变化在世界各地不同作用方式。