1、RACES are held in a velodrome which is an oval racing track with banked straights and turns.───比赛在在椭圆形的,有倾斜的直道与弯道的赛车场上进行。
2、B91-1 anti-skid and wear-resistant coating can satisfy the requirements of skid and wear resistance for track of bicycle racing track.───B91-1型防滑耐磨涂料可满足自行车赛场跑道的防滑、耐磨要求。
3、Racing Track allows cavalry recruitment in a city, and the ability to stage races. It also improves public happiness.───SaiMa场允许城市组建骑兵部队,同时可举办马术竞技,令城邑居民快乐满足。
4、All bets off at first Israel race Israel opens its first licensed horse-racing track, but protests disrupt betting at the opening meeting.───起初都投注过以色列,以色列竞赛开幕第一家SaiMa轨道但KangYiPoHuai投注在开幕会议。
5、hums as miniature cars hurtle round it.───微缩的小车在跑道上飞驰,嗡嗡作响。
6、A horse-racing track in Nanjing built six years ago has ended its racing days -- and now is being used as a parking lot.───南京六年前修建的一个SaiMa场结束了SaiMa的历史,现在成了一个停车场。
7、The project is to find an optimal racing line based on given racing track dimensions, vehicle dynamics details.───该项目是要找到一个最佳的比赛线路上给予赛道方面,车辆动力学的细节。
8、They were unaware that its runways had been converted into a drag-racing track.───他们不知那里的飞机跑道已改建为小型赛车跑道。
racing track(英语使用场景)
1、RACING track hums as miniature cars hurtle round it.
2、Audi's Deaoda dealership in Beijing features a slot - car racing track, a hairdresser and a small cinema.
3、The protest started in front of the city government in the main People's Square, home to a horse racing track during Shanghai's colonial heyday, before police moved in to cordon off the area.
4、The races are held in a velodrome which is an oval racing track with banked straights and turns.
racing track(意思翻译)
racing track(相似词语短语)
1、dog racing───赛狗
2、racing bike───赛车;竞赛自行车;跑车
3、time track───时间轨迹
4、ranged racing───远程赛车
6、deforce racing───迪福赛道
7、racing heart───不停跳动的心 (Racing Heart)
8、chariot racing───车赛
racing track(双语使用场景)
1、RACES are held in a velodrome which is an oval racing track with banked straights and turns.───比赛在在椭圆形的,有倾斜的直道与弯道的赛车场上进行。
2、B91-1 anti-skid and wear-resistant coating can satisfy the requirements of skid and wear resistance for track of bicycle racing track.───B91-1型防滑耐磨涂料可满足自行车赛场跑道的防滑、耐磨要求。
3、Racing Track allows cavalry recruitment in a city, and the ability to stage races. It also improves public happiness.───SaiMa场允许城市组建骑兵部队,同时可举办马术竞技,令城邑居民快乐满足。
4、All bets off at first Israel race Israel opens its first licensed horse-racing track, but protests disrupt betting at the opening meeting.───起初都投注过以色列,以色列竞赛开幕第一家SaiMa轨道但KangYiPoHuai投注在开幕会议。
5、hums as miniature cars hurtle round it.───微缩的小车在跑道上飞驰,嗡嗡作响。
6、A horse-racing track in Nanjing built six years ago has ended its racing days -- and now is being used as a parking lot.───南京六年前修建的一个SaiMa场结束了SaiMa的历史,现在成了一个停车场。
7、The project is to find an optimal racing line based on given racing track dimensions, vehicle dynamics details.───该项目是要找到一个最佳的比赛线路上给予赛道方面,车辆动力学的细节。
8、They were unaware that its runways had been converted into a drag-racing track.───他们不知那里的飞机跑道已改建为小型赛车跑道。
racing track(英语使用场景)
1、RACING track hums as miniature cars hurtle round it.
2、Audi's Deaoda dealership in Beijing features a slot - car racing track, a hairdresser and a small cinema.
3、The protest started in front of the city government in the main People's Square, home to a horse racing track during Shanghai's colonial heyday, before police moved in to cordon off the area.
4、The races are held in a velodrome which is an oval racing track with banked straights and turns.