1、David posted a picture of his wife and newborn on Facebook, with the caption, "I took this picture of my two girls sleeping. "───大卫在Facebook上发了一张老婆维多利亚和新宝宝的照片,备注上写着“我的两个女人的睡颜。”
2、As before, it's up to you to provide the caption.───像以前一样,由您来提供一个标题。
3、This week, we intend to put this theory to the test by asking you, our readers, to write a caption for this picture.───本周,我们打算请您,我们的读者朋友,为这张图片撰写一条标题以检验这一理论。
4、"The managers are at the bottom of the pyramid, supporting and maintaining a balance for the rest of the pyramid, " a caption explains.───经理们总在这个金字塔的底端,支持和保障金字塔的其他部分的平衡。
5、After sending one of her recent pictures with a mean caption to a few of my friends, I tripped and sprained my wrist falling up the stairs.───当我将她最近的照片加上恶毒的注解发给我的几个朋友之后,我就绊倒了,从楼梯上摔下来还扭伤了手腕。
6、You can change the color scheme of any of the control elements, as well as determine the border type and a custom caption.───您可更改配色方案的任一个控件元素,如以及确定边框类型和自定义题注。
7、The next day I saw his picture in the Daily News, beneath a caption stating that he had been "mugged" .───第二天我在《每日新闻》上看到了他的照片。上面的标题写着他被“QiangJie了”。
8、Each level should have exactly one caption attribute.───每个级别都应该有一个标题属性。
9、Each pair of photographs is accompanied by an extended caption that tells the child's story.───每一组照片下附有照片里孩子的故事的说明文字。
1、I didn't understand the drawing until I read the caption.
1、David posted a picture of his wife and newborn on Facebook, with the caption, "I took this picture of my two girls sleeping. "───大卫在Facebook上发了一张老婆维多利亚和新宝宝的照片,备注上写着“我的两个女人的睡颜。”
2、As before, it's up to you to provide the caption.───像以前一样,由您来提供一个标题。
3、This week, we intend to put this theory to the test by asking you, our readers, to write a caption for this picture.───本周,我们打算请您,我们的读者朋友,为这张图片撰写一条标题以检验这一理论。
4、"The managers are at the bottom of the pyramid, supporting and maintaining a balance for the rest of the pyramid, " a caption explains.───经理们总在这个金字塔的底端,支持和保障金字塔的其他部分的平衡。
5、After sending one of her recent pictures with a mean caption to a few of my friends, I tripped and sprained my wrist falling up the stairs.───当我将她最近的照片加上恶毒的注解发给我的几个朋友之后,我就绊倒了,从楼梯上摔下来还扭伤了手腕。
6、You can change the color scheme of any of the control elements, as well as determine the border type and a custom caption.───您可更改配色方案的任一个控件元素,如以及确定边框类型和自定义题注。
7、The next day I saw his picture in the Daily News, beneath a caption stating that he had been "mugged" .───第二天我在《每日新闻》上看到了他的照片。上面的标题写着他被“QiangJie了”。
8、Each level should have exactly one caption attribute.───每个级别都应该有一个标题属性。
9、Each pair of photographs is accompanied by an extended caption that tells the child's story.───每一组照片下附有照片里孩子的故事的说明文字。
1、I didn't understand the drawing until I read the caption.