1、Another tactic is to make households pay by volume for the rubbish they generate, rather than through a flat fee or through local taxes.───另一个方案是让家庭按照自己产生的垃圾量付费,而不是普通的收费或依靠当地税收。欧洲、美洲和亚洲许多地方,已通过“即掷即付”计划。
2、Natural Gas is usually measured by volume and is stated in cubic feet.───天然气通常是测量体积,并表示在立方英尺。
3、Water vapor accounts for about 4% by volume in moist areas.───在气候潮湿地区,水汽按体积占(空气体积)4%左右。
4、OVER 80% of world trade by volume is carried on ships.───世界贸易量中有超过80%采用水路运输。
5、Honduras is the fifth-biggest exporter of clothes by volume to the United States, and the biggest bar none of cotton socks and underwear.───洪都拉斯是美国第五大服装出口国,棉袜和内衣的最大出口国。
6、To a beverage to be considered distilled, it must have at least 35% of alcohol by volume.───作为一种经过悉心蒸馏的饮料,其酒精含量至少要达到35%。
7、First and a good face, rolling into a cake child, xi yan by volume, to reconcile the good pumpkin face bungeanumsi er with long zheng .───先和好面,擀成饼儿,卷上用细盐、花椒面调和好的南瓜丝儿,用笼蒸。
8、The Boeing factory is the largest building in the world by volume.───容积来说,波音公司的工厂不愧是全世界最大的建筑。
9、Two other research firms report that the U. S. is still the top smartphone market by volume, although China is not far behind.───另两家研究机构报告显示按销售量计算美国仍为最大的智能手机市场,但中国紧随其后。
by volume(英语使用场景)
1、Tea print is a fixed name, by volume, or year, month order number, form continuous tea professional publications.
2、Figures show that beer sales by volume have actually shown a decrease.
3、Brewers are now introducing the Alcohol by Volume rating system.
4、When the fiber content does not exceed 0.1% (by volume), dry and thermal shrinkage crack resistances are enhanced with increase of polypropylene fiber content.
5、Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80% vol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages.
6、Plastics constitute 20 percent by volume of domestic waste in Britain.
7、SABMiller, meanwhile, is the world's second-largest brewer by volume after Anheuser-Busch InBev NV.
8、They were charging us by volume rather than weight.
by volume(意思翻译)
by volume(相似词语短语)
1、analyzing volume───分析体积
2、volume level───音量级;体积级;强度级;体积级,强度级
3、priming volume───[医]预充容量,灌注量
5、sphere volume───球体体积
6、sfx volume───音效音量
7、tumor volume───[医]肿瘤体积
8、stroke volume───心博量;冲程容积;每搏量
9、volume down───降低音量
by volume(双语使用场景)
1、Another tactic is to make households pay by volume for the rubbish they generate, rather than through a flat fee or through local taxes.───另一个方案是让家庭按照自己产生的垃圾量付费,而不是普通的收费或依靠当地税收。欧洲、美洲和亚洲许多地方,已通过“即掷即付”计划。
2、Natural Gas is usually measured by volume and is stated in cubic feet.───天然气通常是测量体积,并表示在立方英尺。
3、Water vapor accounts for about 4% by volume in moist areas.───在气候潮湿地区,水汽按体积占(空气体积)4%左右。
4、OVER 80% of world trade by volume is carried on ships.───世界贸易量中有超过80%采用水路运输。
5、Honduras is the fifth-biggest exporter of clothes by volume to the United States, and the biggest bar none of cotton socks and underwear.───洪都拉斯是美国第五大服装出口国,棉袜和内衣的最大出口国。
6、To a beverage to be considered distilled, it must have at least 35% of alcohol by volume.───作为一种经过悉心蒸馏的饮料,其酒精含量至少要达到35%。
7、First and a good face, rolling into a cake child, xi yan by volume, to reconcile the good pumpkin face bungeanumsi er with long zheng .───先和好面,擀成饼儿,卷上用细盐、花椒面调和好的南瓜丝儿,用笼蒸。
8、The Boeing factory is the largest building in the world by volume.───容积来说,波音公司的工厂不愧是全世界最大的建筑。
9、Two other research firms report that the U. S. is still the top smartphone market by volume, although China is not far behind.───另两家研究机构报告显示按销售量计算美国仍为最大的智能手机市场,但中国紧随其后。
by volume(英语使用场景)
1、Tea print is a fixed name, by volume, or year, month order number, form continuous tea professional publications.
2、Figures show that beer sales by volume have actually shown a decrease.
3、Brewers are now introducing the Alcohol by Volume rating system.
4、When the fiber content does not exceed 0.1% (by volume), dry and thermal shrinkage crack resistances are enhanced with increase of polypropylene fiber content.
5、Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80% vol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages.
6、Plastics constitute 20 percent by volume of domestic waste in Britain.
7、SABMiller, meanwhile, is the world's second-largest brewer by volume after Anheuser-Busch InBev NV.
8、They were charging us by volume rather than weight.
9、They sell screws and nails by volume.