jane lane(意思翻译)
jane lane(相似词语短语)
1、jane goodall───珍·古德(国际知名动物行为学家、环保主义社会活动家);简•古道尔
2、consolations jane───安慰简
3、ten jane───十简
4、s jane───她叫简
5、jane magic───简魔术
6、jane doe───n.简多伊(法律诉讼女方真名不详时对女当事人的假设称呼);n.(女)无名氏; [电影]女战虎
8、cella jane───简氏细胞
9、baby jane───宝贝简
jane lane(双语使用场景)
1、Jane like to live life in the fast lane.───简喜欢过刺激兴奋的生活。
2、Jane likes to live life in the fast lane. Wherever there's a party, she is sure to be there.───简喜欢过刺激兴奋的生活,哪儿有宴会,她就去那儿。
jane lane(英语使用场景)
1、Meanwhile, librarian Jane Lane has recently had to discard around 100 social science books because they were woefully out of date.
jane lane(意思翻译)
jane lane(相似词语短语)
1、jane goodall───珍·古德(国际知名动物行为学家、环保主义社会活动家);简•古道尔
2、consolations jane───安慰简
3、ten jane───十简
4、s jane───她叫简
5、jane magic───简魔术
6、jane doe───n.简多伊(法律诉讼女方真名不详时对女当事人的假设称呼);n.(女)无名氏; [电影]女战虎
8、cella jane───简氏细胞
9、baby jane───宝贝简
jane lane(双语使用场景)
1、Jane like to live life in the fast lane.───简喜欢过刺激兴奋的生活。
2、Jane likes to live life in the fast lane. Wherever there's a party, she is sure to be there.───简喜欢过刺激兴奋的生活,哪儿有宴会,她就去那儿。
jane lane(英语使用场景)
1、Meanwhile, librarian Jane Lane has recently had to discard around 100 social science books because they were woefully out of date.