1、It is best seen as a premonitory blip which prompted an excessive policy response that happened to cause the global economy to overheat.───顶多可以把它视为导致过度政策反应的一个预警事件,而导致全球经济过热的是过度的政策反应。
2、Yet there have been only a handful of clinical trials treating patients in the premonitory stage-in part because the symptoms are so vague.───然而,到目前为止只有少量针对先兆期患者展开治疗的临床试验,部分原因是这些征兆都非常微弱。
3、Since it is a rare disorder, it is difficult to say what the premonitory symptoms are.───由于这是一种罕见的病症,我们很难说清楚它的初期症状。
4、Objective to investigate the relationship between progestin and premonitory abortion in early stage.───目的探讨孕酮水平与早期先兆流产关系。
5、Juvenal Urbino had often thought, with no premonitory intention, that this would not be a propitious place for dying in a state of grace.───朱维诺。乌尔比诺医生以前就常常会不经意地想到:这里可不是一个可以优雅地死去的好地方。
6、Associated press reporter passes website of a mirror, discovered those who add a cane " homicide is premonitory " clew.───MeiLianShe记者通过一个镜像网站,发现了加藤的“ShaRen预告”线索。
7、Dr. Goadsby and colleagues at UCSF are conducting more imaging studies to determine what brain activity occurs during the premonitory phase.───戈德比博士和加州大学旧金山市分校的同事正在进行更多的成像研究,以确定大脑在先兆期会发生什么活动。
8、Objective To observe therapeutic effect of acupuncture on no- premonitory migraineatremission stage.───目的观察ZhenCi对缓解期无先兆偏头痛的临床疗效。
9、The heavy rain premonitory Dragonfly swallows flying low, ants, the fish to the surface of ventilation, rain will come.───大雨前兆蜻蜓燕子低飞,蚂蚁搬家,鱼儿水面来换气儿,大雨马上就来到。
1、It is best seen as a premonitory blip which prompted an excessive policy response that happened to cause the global economy to overheat.───顶多可以把它视为导致过度政策反应的一个预警事件,而导致全球经济过热的是过度的政策反应。
2、Yet there have been only a handful of clinical trials treating patients in the premonitory stage-in part because the symptoms are so vague.───然而,到目前为止只有少量针对先兆期患者展开治疗的临床试验,部分原因是这些征兆都非常微弱。
3、Since it is a rare disorder, it is difficult to say what the premonitory symptoms are.───由于这是一种罕见的病症,我们很难说清楚它的初期症状。
4、Objective to investigate the relationship between progestin and premonitory abortion in early stage.───目的探讨孕酮水平与早期先兆流产关系。
5、Juvenal Urbino had often thought, with no premonitory intention, that this would not be a propitious place for dying in a state of grace.───朱维诺。乌尔比诺医生以前就常常会不经意地想到:这里可不是一个可以优雅地死去的好地方。
6、Associated press reporter passes website of a mirror, discovered those who add a cane " homicide is premonitory " clew.───MeiLianShe记者通过一个镜像网站,发现了加藤的“ShaRen预告”线索。
7、Dr. Goadsby and colleagues at UCSF are conducting more imaging studies to determine what brain activity occurs during the premonitory phase.───戈德比博士和加州大学旧金山市分校的同事正在进行更多的成像研究,以确定大脑在先兆期会发生什么活动。
8、Objective To observe therapeutic effect of acupuncture on no- premonitory migraineatremission stage.───目的观察ZhenCi对缓解期无先兆偏头痛的临床疗效。
9、The heavy rain premonitory Dragonfly swallows flying low, ants, the fish to the surface of ventilation, rain will come.───大雨前兆蜻蜓燕子低飞,蚂蚁搬家,鱼儿水面来换气儿,大雨马上就来到。