1、The drawing APIs need to use absolute values so having them passed into the paintIcon method avoids having to compute them by traversing all the parents of the component.───绘图 API 需要使用绝对值,以便将它们传递到 paintIcon 方法中,避免不得不遍历组件的所有父容器来计算这些值。
2、New Method of Traversing Binary Tree───一种生成二叉树遍历序列的新方法
3、This paper puts forward the method for evaluating the risk of fatigue and buckling in traversing pipeline, and proves its practicability and reliability by an example.───本文提出了一种穿越管道的疲劳失稳风险评估方法,经过实例计算证实该方法的实用性和可靠性。
4、By careful researches of the traversal of binary tree, a new method of traversing binary tree is brought forward, which is able to solve the problem of traversal of binary tree.───对二叉树的遍历过程进行深入地研究,提出一种生成二叉树遍历序列的新方法,解决了二叉树遍历序列的生成问题。
method of traversing(英语使用场景)
1、By careful researches of the traversal of binary tree, a new method of traversing binary tree is brought forward, which is able to solve the problem of traversal of binary tree.
method of traversing(意思翻译)
method of traversing(相似词语短语)
1、traversing mountains───穿越高山
2、traversing blocks───横移块
3、method of loci───轨迹法
5、traversing fire───横渡火
6、variation of parameters method───变参数法
7、traversing time───穿越时间
8、method of use───使用法
method of traversing(双语使用场景)
1、The drawing APIs need to use absolute values so having them passed into the paintIcon method avoids having to compute them by traversing all the parents of the component.───绘图 API 需要使用绝对值,以便将它们传递到 paintIcon 方法中,避免不得不遍历组件的所有父容器来计算这些值。
2、New Method of Traversing Binary Tree───一种生成二叉树遍历序列的新方法
3、This paper puts forward the method for evaluating the risk of fatigue and buckling in traversing pipeline, and proves its practicability and reliability by an example.───本文提出了一种穿越管道的疲劳失稳风险评估方法,经过实例计算证实该方法的实用性和可靠性。
4、By careful researches of the traversal of binary tree, a new method of traversing binary tree is brought forward, which is able to solve the problem of traversal of binary tree.───对二叉树的遍历过程进行深入地研究,提出一种生成二叉树遍历序列的新方法,解决了二叉树遍历序列的生成问题。
method of traversing(英语使用场景)
1、By careful researches of the traversal of binary tree, a new method of traversing binary tree is brought forward, which is able to solve the problem of traversal of binary tree.