1、The Solution of a Single-Phase Flow in a Complicated Geometric Domain under an Adherent Body Coordinate System───贴体坐标系下求解复杂几何域内的单相流动
2、The single-phase flow in fracture and cave is studied on the base of numerical computation and experiment.───用数值计算和实验的方法研究单个裂缝-溶洞中单相流动问题。
3、Sensitivity of Single-Phase Flow in Low-Permeability Heterogeneous Reservoirs───低渗透非均质油藏单相渗流敏感系数
4、Local resistances of single-phase flow across abrupt expansion and contraction in small channels───小通道单相流体突扩和突缩局部阻力特性
5、Experiments on heat transfer and frictional pressure drop of kerosene of single phase flow in the internally ribbed tube were conducted and compared with those of smooth tube.───煤油在内螺纹管中的单相紊流传热和摩擦阻力特性进行了实验研究,并将实验结果同煤油在光管中的实验结果作了比较。
6、flow model of single phase flow in the straight tube of the vertical tubular leacher was studied by using NaCl solution tracing and microcomputer sampling.───采用盐水示踪、微机采样来研究垂直管道浸取器直管内单相流的流动模型。
7、Comparison of the Reynolds-averaged Turbulence Models on Single Phase Flow Simulation in Agitated Extraction Columns───搅拌萃取塔内单相流动不同雷诺平均湍流模型结果的比较
8、Test Study on the Flowing Behavior of Single - Phase Flow in the Vertical Concentric Annular Pipe with Rotating Inner Pipe───内管旋转的垂直同心环形管内单相流动特性的试验研究
9、phase flow rule of coalbed gas in coal and cleats may be studied by use of non equilibrium adsorption model.───采用非平衡态吸附模型,研究单相煤层气在煤体和割理中的流动规律。
single phase flow(英语使用场景)
1、The flow model of single phase flow in the elbow of the vertical tubular leacher was studied by using NaCl solution tracing and microcomputer sampling.
2、Multi phase flow exists common in oilfield. Some characteristics of well test curves may be covered up by the approximate analysis based on single phase flow method.
3、Because the condition is complicated in downhole, multiphase flow was unconsidered, only researched the single phase flow .
4、The flow model of single phase flow in the straight tube of the vertical tubular leacher was studied by using NaCl solution tracing and microcomputer sampling.
single phase flow(意思翻译)
single phase flow(相似词语短语)
1、anacrotic phase───无核期
3、phase loss───失相
4、phase transition───[物]相变
6、flow───vi.流; 垂; 流出; (谈话、文体等)流畅;n.流动;生产,供应;车流;流量;传播;流通;滔滔不绝;连贯,流畅;涨潮;泛滥;(苏格兰)湿地,沼泽;YueJing;vt.使泛滥; 淹没; 排出;n.流动; 滔滔不绝; 涨潮; 连贯;v.(使)流动,涌流;流通;传播;流畅;充满;大量供应;涨;涨潮;川流不息;飘扬;来自,由……产生;来YueJing;(矿物、岩石等)变形;n.(Flow)(美)弗洛(人名)
7、rebellious phase───叛逆期
8、venous phase───[医]静脉相
9、single phase───[电] 单相;单相的
single phase flow(双语使用场景)
1、The Solution of a Single-Phase Flow in a Complicated Geometric Domain under an Adherent Body Coordinate System───贴体坐标系下求解复杂几何域内的单相流动
2、The single-phase flow in fracture and cave is studied on the base of numerical computation and experiment.───用数值计算和实验的方法研究单个裂缝-溶洞中单相流动问题。
3、Sensitivity of Single-Phase Flow in Low-Permeability Heterogeneous Reservoirs───低渗透非均质油藏单相渗流敏感系数
4、Local resistances of single-phase flow across abrupt expansion and contraction in small channels───小通道单相流体突扩和突缩局部阻力特性
5、Experiments on heat transfer and frictional pressure drop of kerosene of single phase flow in the internally ribbed tube were conducted and compared with those of smooth tube.───煤油在内螺纹管中的单相紊流传热和摩擦阻力特性进行了实验研究,并将实验结果同煤油在光管中的实验结果作了比较。
6、flow model of single phase flow in the straight tube of the vertical tubular leacher was studied by using NaCl solution tracing and microcomputer sampling.───采用盐水示踪、微机采样来研究垂直管道浸取器直管内单相流的流动模型。
7、Comparison of the Reynolds-averaged Turbulence Models on Single Phase Flow Simulation in Agitated Extraction Columns───搅拌萃取塔内单相流动不同雷诺平均湍流模型结果的比较
8、Test Study on the Flowing Behavior of Single - Phase Flow in the Vertical Concentric Annular Pipe with Rotating Inner Pipe───内管旋转的垂直同心环形管内单相流动特性的试验研究
9、phase flow rule of coalbed gas in coal and cleats may be studied by use of non equilibrium adsorption model.───采用非平衡态吸附模型,研究单相煤层气在煤体和割理中的流动规律。
single phase flow(英语使用场景)
1、The flow model of single phase flow in the elbow of the vertical tubular leacher was studied by using NaCl solution tracing and microcomputer sampling.
2、Multi phase flow exists common in oilfield. Some characteristics of well test curves may be covered up by the approximate analysis based on single phase flow method.
3、Because the condition is complicated in downhole, multiphase flow was unconsidered, only researched the single phase flow .
4、The flow model of single phase flow in the straight tube of the vertical tubular leacher was studied by using NaCl solution tracing and microcomputer sampling.