1、CATCHING Somalian pirates may be tricky enough, but the question of what to do with them afterwards can be even more difficult.───抓获索马里海盗可能很不容易,但抓到他们后如何处置就更加棘手。
2、Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money?───怎么使用诺贝尔奖金有不同的意见吗?
3、I do not know what to do with the information if I cannot pass it on.───如果无法传送出去,我不知道该拿这情报怎么办。
4、The government appears to be in a quandary about what to do with so many people.───该政府对如何安置这么多人显得不知所措。
5、He had never experienced chimps becoming aggressive, he said, so had never planned what to do with Nim if he got like that.───他从来没有见过猩猩变得有攻击性,他说,因此也就完全没有想过要是尼姆变成那样该采取什么措施。
6、It's easy to see what to do with a single thread: exit when the user says to quit.───对于单线程程序来说,我们很容易知道是如何终止的:当用户退出时程序就退出了。
7、My parents started to discuss what to do with me. Finally they sadly made a decision to leave me and try to have a healthy baby.───他们开始商量怎么办,商量来商量去决定还是放弃我,再生一个健康的孩子。
8、the factory tomorrow and wk en I see how you get on the first few days I'll be able to decide what to do with you.───你和马景山两个,明天先到我的厂里去试几天,将来再派你们别的事。
9、But I'm far from ready to get out, since I don't know what to do with my life yet.───但是,我还没有准备好走出去,因为我还不确定我这一生该干什么。
what to do with(英语使用场景)
1、I am utterly puzzled what to do with it.
2、No one has solved the problem of what to do with radioactive waste.
3、The boys didn't know what to do with themselves after school ended.
4、I didn't know what to do with it, so it just sat there collecting dust .
5、She doesn't know what to do with herself while they're at school.
6、I don't know what to do with it.
7、The girl didn't know what to do with herself as the wedding drew near.
8、She doesn't know what to do with herself.
9、I don't know what to do with all the food that's left over.
what to do with(意思翻译)
what to do with(相似词语短语)
1、what with what───什么用什么
2、with to do───要做的事
3、to do what───做什么
4、what to do───做什么;该做什么;干吗
5、do what───做什么
6、what do do───怎么办
7、do what to say───说什么就做什么
8、what it to do───它要做什么
9、what do───你要做什么
what to do with(双语使用场景)
1、CATCHING Somalian pirates may be tricky enough, but the question of what to do with them afterwards can be even more difficult.───抓获索马里海盗可能很不容易,但抓到他们后如何处置就更加棘手。
2、Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money?───怎么使用诺贝尔奖金有不同的意见吗?
3、I do not know what to do with the information if I cannot pass it on.───如果无法传送出去,我不知道该拿这情报怎么办。
4、The government appears to be in a quandary about what to do with so many people.───该政府对如何安置这么多人显得不知所措。
5、He had never experienced chimps becoming aggressive, he said, so had never planned what to do with Nim if he got like that.───他从来没有见过猩猩变得有攻击性,他说,因此也就完全没有想过要是尼姆变成那样该采取什么措施。
6、It's easy to see what to do with a single thread: exit when the user says to quit.───对于单线程程序来说,我们很容易知道是如何终止的:当用户退出时程序就退出了。
7、My parents started to discuss what to do with me. Finally they sadly made a decision to leave me and try to have a healthy baby.───他们开始商量怎么办,商量来商量去决定还是放弃我,再生一个健康的孩子。
8、the factory tomorrow and wk en I see how you get on the first few days I'll be able to decide what to do with you.───你和马景山两个,明天先到我的厂里去试几天,将来再派你们别的事。
9、But I'm far from ready to get out, since I don't know what to do with my life yet.───但是,我还没有准备好走出去,因为我还不确定我这一生该干什么。
what to do with(英语使用场景)
1、I am utterly puzzled what to do with it.
2、No one has solved the problem of what to do with radioactive waste.
3、The boys didn't know what to do with themselves after school ended.
4、I didn't know what to do with it, so it just sat there collecting dust .
5、She doesn't know what to do with herself while they're at school.
6、I don't know what to do with it.
7、The girl didn't know what to do with herself as the wedding drew near.
8、She doesn't know what to do with herself.
9、I don't know what to do with all the food that's left over.