1、If you go the same way to work everyday, you would find it difficult to go in a different direction, simply because we are creatures of habit, and we protect the habits that we have, good or bad.───如果你每天都走同一条路去上班,你会发现你很难再另寻他径。那仅仅是因为我们是有习惯的生物,我们会不论好与坏地去保护我们所现拥有的习惯。
2、Do we have good eating habits or bad eating habits?───我们有好饮食习惯还是坏饮食习惯?
3、I say virtual habits because none of us have any real habits to speak of, good or bad.───我说虚拟的习惯,是因为没有哪个人有真正的说得出来的习惯,不管是好习惯还是坏习惯。
good or bad habits(意思翻译)
good or bad habits(相似词语短语)
1、federalism good or bad───联邦制是好是坏
2、good or bad───轩轾;好的或坏的
3、bad or not───不好还是不好
4、good living habits───良好的生活习惯
5、good habits───好习惯
6、developing good habits───养成良好习惯
7、good bad───好的坏的
9、you good bad───你是好是坏
good or bad habits(双语使用场景)
1、If you go the same way to work everyday, you would find it difficult to go in a different direction, simply because we are creatures of habit, and we protect the habits that we have, good or bad.───如果你每天都走同一条路去上班,你会发现你很难再另寻他径。那仅仅是因为我们是有习惯的生物,我们会不论好与坏地去保护我们所现拥有的习惯。
2、Do we have good eating habits or bad eating habits?───我们有好饮食习惯还是坏饮食习惯?
3、I say virtual habits because none of us have any real habits to speak of, good or bad.───我说虚拟的习惯,是因为没有哪个人有真正的说得出来的习惯,不管是好习惯还是坏习惯。