1、The scheduling criterion took both priorities and deadlines into account fully, with the Task Drop Ratio, Hit Value Ratio, Time Utilization Ratio as evaluation indexes.───调度准则充分考虑了任务的工作方式优先级和截止期,并以任务丢失率、实现价值率、XiTong时间利用率作为评估指标。
2、You need to rely on unscheduled overtime to hit the deadlines, especially early in the project.───你需要计划外的加班来保证按期完成工作,尤其在项目早期是就已经不得不如此的时候。
hit the deadlines(意思翻译)
hit the deadlines(相似词语短语)
1、hit the hay───睡觉,就寝;n.睡觉
2、hit the book───去看书吧
3、hit the gymLPS───去健身房
4、hit the floor───掷地有声 (Hitthe Floor);一落千丈 (Hitthe Floor);撞到地板上
5、hit the road───v.开始流浪; 上路; 出发; 滚吧(俚语);开始流浪,上路
6、hit the ground───着地;[体]触地
8、hit the books───用GongXue习;准备功课;v.用功
9、hit the bottle───酗酒;喝醉酒
hit the deadlines(双语使用场景)
1、The scheduling criterion took both priorities and deadlines into account fully, with the Task Drop Ratio, Hit Value Ratio, Time Utilization Ratio as evaluation indexes.───调度准则充分考虑了任务的工作方式优先级和截止期,并以任务丢失率、实现价值率、XiTong时间利用率作为评估指标。
2、You need to rely on unscheduled overtime to hit the deadlines, especially early in the project.───你需要计划外的加班来保证按期完成工作,尤其在项目早期是就已经不得不如此的时候。