1、Ahead of her, at the top of a hill on the left, was some sort of building, standing back from the road.───她前边,左侧小山顶上,有某种建筑物坐落在路旁。
2、It is something as regards which one sees, in short, by standing back a little, whether this method has indeed all this generalizing.───总之,这个方法,让我们后退几步来观看,即使无法确实地概括一切。
3、We face away from each other, simply two girls standing back to back.───我们就是两个背靠背站着的女孩,互不照面。
4、Of course, this was by no means easy. It was a process of constant struggle, self-reminding, and standing back up after countless setbacks.───当然这个历程非常不容易,经历不断地奋斗,不断地自我提醒,甚至是无数次的挫败再站起来。
5、The children are standing back to back in long rows.───孩子们正一排排背靠背地站着。
6、You know I could be a crowd in the street, standing back in civilization, so-called civilization.───在街市里,我可能面对文明感到惊恐,那些所谓的文明;
7、She was still standing back there in the corner, sobbing, with her face to the wall.───她还站在教室后面的拐角处,脸冲着墙,在抽泣。
8、Why are they standing back in silence and allowing this to happen to us.───他们怎么能默默坐视不管,就让这一切在我们身上发生。
9、She was still standing back there in the corner, sobbing, with her face to the wall.───她还站在屋角里,脸对着墙,抽泣着。
standing back(英语使用场景)
1、It was as if the Holy Spirit had taken his hands off and was standing back, observing, watchful.
2、Enrique released the bonnet, standing back as the scalding cloud of steam escaped.
3、Fancy standing back to the North Sea for ten hours or more handling cold fish!
4、Standing back, though, two things mark out this crisis as unique.
5、Standing back, she watched the bubbles coming up into the bottle.
6、They huddled together in twos and threes, with the pretty little church standing back about half way down the village.
7、Both require standing back from the day-to-day running of the organisation and examining the wider picture.
standing back(意思翻译)
standing back(相似词语短语)
1、standing at───达到;踌躇
2、standing man───站着的人;间谍之桥 (Standing Man)
4、standing ovation───长时间起立鼓掌;起立致敬;n.长时间起立鼓掌
5、standing wave───n.[物]驻波;n.驻波
6、standing down───退出(比赛或竞选);离开证人席;退职;顺潮航行
7、no standing───不准停车
8、hard standing───n.硬地面;停车场
9、standing order───委托书;作战命令;现行命令;n.委托书,现行命令
standing back(双语使用场景)
1、Ahead of her, at the top of a hill on the left, was some sort of building, standing back from the road.───她前边,左侧小山顶上,有某种建筑物坐落在路旁。
2、It is something as regards which one sees, in short, by standing back a little, whether this method has indeed all this generalizing.───总之,这个方法,让我们后退几步来观看,即使无法确实地概括一切。
3、We face away from each other, simply two girls standing back to back.───我们就是两个背靠背站着的女孩,互不照面。
4、Of course, this was by no means easy. It was a process of constant struggle, self-reminding, and standing back up after countless setbacks.───当然这个历程非常不容易,经历不断地奋斗,不断地自我提醒,甚至是无数次的挫败再站起来。
5、The children are standing back to back in long rows.───孩子们正一排排背靠背地站着。
6、You know I could be a crowd in the street, standing back in civilization, so-called civilization.───在街市里,我可能面对文明感到惊恐,那些所谓的文明;
7、She was still standing back there in the corner, sobbing, with her face to the wall.───她还站在教室后面的拐角处,脸冲着墙,在抽泣。
8、Why are they standing back in silence and allowing this to happen to us.───他们怎么能默默坐视不管,就让这一切在我们身上发生。
9、She was still standing back there in the corner, sobbing, with her face to the wall.───她还站在屋角里,脸对着墙,抽泣着。
standing back(英语使用场景)
1、It was as if the Holy Spirit had taken his hands off and was standing back, observing, watchful.
2、Enrique released the bonnet, standing back as the scalding cloud of steam escaped.
3、Fancy standing back to the North Sea for ten hours or more handling cold fish!
4、Standing back, though, two things mark out this crisis as unique.
5、Standing back, she watched the bubbles coming up into the bottle.
6、They huddled together in twos and threes, with the pretty little church standing back about half way down the village.
7、Both require standing back from the day-to-day running of the organisation and examining the wider picture.