1、According to the research, task orientation people as research's results could strengthen intrinsic motive in sport.───根据研究结果,拥有工作取向的人会增加他们在运动时的内在动机。
2、the factors of T-CRS2.1, task orientation was the most important one, and the factor of peer social skill was the second.───任务取向是学校适应的最重要的构成因素,而同伴交往能力则是第二重要因素。
3、On Task Orientation and Its Specific Function of Youth League Committee in Medical Ethics Education among Medical colleges───医德教育中高校团委工作理念与特殊作用的研究
4、Results: (1) The score of task orientation were higher than that of self orientation obviously for shooting athletes.───结果:(1)射击运动员的任务取向显著高于自我取向。
5、Overall, task-orientation shared the highest proportion of subjects, followed by care-orientation.───在总体上,任务取向所占的人数比例最高,关爱取向第二。
6、Countries and regions such as Japan and Latin America are rated as preferring values of assertiveness, task-orientation, and achievement.───诸如日本和拉丁美洲这些国家,人们注重自信坚强,专注于任务和成就。
7、For the third question, the results of the factor analysis indicated the presence of five factors: environment, ability, text difficulty, effort, and task orientation.───对于第三个问题,实验结果表明有五个因素与学生感知成败的归因有关:环境、能力、文章难度、努力以及任务取向。
8、This scheme features hierarchical structure, task orientation and modularization .───该结构具有多层次、面向任务、模拟化的特征。
task orientation(意思翻译)
task orientation(相似词语短语)
1、routine task───日常工作;常规任务
2、orientation session───开学会议
4、orientation day───信息简介日;迎新日
6、daunting task───艰巨的任务;艰难的工作
7、orientation program───新生训练;新生练习
8、customer orientation───顾客取向;顾客导向;以顾客为中心
9、orientation training───定向训练
task orientation(双语使用场景)
1、According to the research, task orientation people as research's results could strengthen intrinsic motive in sport.───根据研究结果,拥有工作取向的人会增加他们在运动时的内在动机。
2、the factors of T-CRS2.1, task orientation was the most important one, and the factor of peer social skill was the second.───任务取向是学校适应的最重要的构成因素,而同伴交往能力则是第二重要因素。
3、On Task Orientation and Its Specific Function of Youth League Committee in Medical Ethics Education among Medical colleges───医德教育中高校团委工作理念与特殊作用的研究
4、Results: (1) The score of task orientation were higher than that of self orientation obviously for shooting athletes.───结果:(1)射击运动员的任务取向显著高于自我取向。
5、Overall, task-orientation shared the highest proportion of subjects, followed by care-orientation.───在总体上,任务取向所占的人数比例最高,关爱取向第二。
6、Countries and regions such as Japan and Latin America are rated as preferring values of assertiveness, task-orientation, and achievement.───诸如日本和拉丁美洲这些国家,人们注重自信坚强,专注于任务和成就。
7、For the third question, the results of the factor analysis indicated the presence of five factors: environment, ability, text difficulty, effort, and task orientation.───对于第三个问题,实验结果表明有五个因素与学生感知成败的归因有关:环境、能力、文章难度、努力以及任务取向。
8、This scheme features hierarchical structure, task orientation and modularization .───该结构具有多层次、面向任务、模拟化的特征。