1、Until men invented ways of staying underwater for more than a few minutes, the wonders of the world below the sea were almost unknown.───人们在发明可以在水下多逗留几分钟的潜水方法之前,对海底世界的奇观几乎完全不知。
2、is gushing because of the pressure the oil is under in its reservoir 4,300 metres below the sea bed.───由于石油位于海床底部4300海里处,它所受到的压力导致油井不断喷涌出石油。
3、Eg. Little of the earth's solid surface has been seen by humans, as much of it lies below the sea.───人们只看到地球固体表面的很小的一部分,因为大部分的地球处于海下。
4、What does life look like on and below the sea floor?───海底和海底以下的生命是什么样的?
5、This has driven firms to seek oil ever deeper below the sea.───这就驱使了各大石油公司在更深的海底寻找石油。
6、Like the beavers, the Dutch are great builders of dams. 27% of the Dutch territory lies below the sea level.───和海狸一样,荷兰人也是筑坝高手。荷兰有27%的领域低于海平面。
7、Officials say the quake is remarkable in that it was extremely shallow, just nine kilometers below the sea surface.───官员们说,这次地震的震感相当强烈,因为地震发生在地表层很浅的地方,仅在海平面以下9公里。
8、earthquakes and eruptions occur frequently; and the land above and below the sea is in a constant state of flux.───地震和火山爆发频繁;而且海上和海下地面处于一个流动的常态。
9、Deep below the sea was another world. That was where the sea king lived. It was a wonderful place.───大海深处有另一个世界。海底国王就住在那里。那是一个很棒的地方。
below the sea(英语使用场景)
1、Exploratory investigations have indicated large amounts of oil below the sea bed.
2、Three previous attempts by PTTEP Australasia to plug the leak, 2.5 kilometres below the sea bed by pumping it full of heavy mud have failed.
below the sea(意思翻译)
below the sea(相似词语短语)
1、below the belt───腰带以下地;不公正地;不公正地[的]
2、below the line───线下预算,线下项目,栏外会计;一般的标准以下
3、label below───下面的标签
4、the sea───沧海
5、below the mark───不够标准,不好;未达到标准
6、on the sea───adv.在海上,在海边;在海上;在海边
7、outlined below───概述如下(outlined是outline的过去式和过去分词)
9、by the sea───adv.在海边; 滨海
below the sea(双语使用场景)
1、Until men invented ways of staying underwater for more than a few minutes, the wonders of the world below the sea were almost unknown.───人们在发明可以在水下多逗留几分钟的潜水方法之前,对海底世界的奇观几乎完全不知。
2、is gushing because of the pressure the oil is under in its reservoir 4,300 metres below the sea bed.───由于石油位于海床底部4300海里处,它所受到的压力导致油井不断喷涌出石油。
3、Eg. Little of the earth's solid surface has been seen by humans, as much of it lies below the sea.───人们只看到地球固体表面的很小的一部分,因为大部分的地球处于海下。
4、What does life look like on and below the sea floor?───海底和海底以下的生命是什么样的?
5、This has driven firms to seek oil ever deeper below the sea.───这就驱使了各大石油公司在更深的海底寻找石油。
6、Like the beavers, the Dutch are great builders of dams. 27% of the Dutch territory lies below the sea level.───和海狸一样,荷兰人也是筑坝高手。荷兰有27%的领域低于海平面。
7、Officials say the quake is remarkable in that it was extremely shallow, just nine kilometers below the sea surface.───官员们说,这次地震的震感相当强烈,因为地震发生在地表层很浅的地方,仅在海平面以下9公里。
8、earthquakes and eruptions occur frequently; and the land above and below the sea is in a constant state of flux.───地震和火山爆发频繁;而且海上和海下地面处于一个流动的常态。
9、Deep below the sea was another world. That was where the sea king lived. It was a wonderful place.───大海深处有另一个世界。海底国王就住在那里。那是一个很棒的地方。
below the sea(英语使用场景)
1、Exploratory investigations have indicated large amounts of oil below the sea bed.
2、Three previous attempts by PTTEP Australasia to plug the leak, 2.5 kilometres below the sea bed by pumping it full of heavy mud have failed.