1、Assignment 1: Work Through the Courses at Codecademy. com───任务1:通过Codecademy.com站点的课程来学习
2、Codecademy is free, but signing up is required.───Codecademy是一家免费网站,但需要注册。
3、Codecademy is a relatively new website that bills itself as "the easiest way to learn how to code. " You'll be the judge of that!───Codecademy是一个相对较新的网站,其广告语是“最易学的编码方法”。
1、commons codec───通用编JieMa器
2、celt codec───全编JieMa器
1、Assignment 1: Work Through the Courses at Codecademy. com───任务1:通过Codecademy.com站点的课程来学习
2、Codecademy is free, but signing up is required.───Codecademy是一家免费网站,但需要注册。
3、Codecademy is a relatively new website that bills itself as "the easiest way to learn how to code. " You'll be the judge of that!───Codecademy是一个相对较新的网站,其广告语是“最易学的编码方法”。