1、In some cases, it's not so much the treatment of the animals on set in the studio that has activists worried; it's the off set training and living conditions that are raising concerns.───在某些情况下,让积极分子担心的并不是摄影棚里对待动物的方式,而是片场外的训练和生活条件。
2、Even really bright people should receive training for WebSphere Studio to fully leverage the power the product can provide.───即使是非常聪明的人也应该接受WebSphere Studio培训,以便完全利用该产品提供的功能。
3、Flying over computer education training studio . . .───飞越电脑教育培训工作室英文怎么写?。
4、Even really bright people should receive training for WebSphere Studio to fully leverage the significant power the product can provide.───即使是真正的聪明人,也应该接受针对WebSphere Studio的培训来全面驾驭产品所提供的强大功能。
training studio(意思翻译)
training studio(相似词语短语)
1、marvel studio───惊奇漫画工作室
2、dance studio───n.[体]舞蹈工作室
3、mer studio───更多工作室
4、wider studio───更宽的工作室
6、catmint studio───卡特薄荷工作室
8、pinnacle studio───顶峰工作室
9、fl studio───音乐制作软件
training studio(双语使用场景)
1、In some cases, it's not so much the treatment of the animals on set in the studio that has activists worried; it's the off set training and living conditions that are raising concerns.───在某些情况下,让积极分子担心的并不是摄影棚里对待动物的方式,而是片场外的训练和生活条件。
2、Even really bright people should receive training for WebSphere Studio to fully leverage the power the product can provide.───即使是非常聪明的人也应该接受WebSphere Studio培训,以便完全利用该产品提供的功能。
3、Flying over computer education training studio . . .───飞越电脑教育培训工作室英文怎么写?。
4、Even really bright people should receive training for WebSphere Studio to fully leverage the significant power the product can provide.───即使是真正的聪明人,也应该接受针对WebSphere Studio的培训来全面驾驭产品所提供的强大功能。