1、To ordinary people the absence of a central authority since October's general election is not always noticeable.───从(去年)10月份大选过后的中央权力机关的缺失对于普通人来说并不能引起太大的注意。
2、They held a snap election.───他们临时举行了选举。
3、However, he said he was "not thinking at all about a double election at present" .───然而,安倍表示,他“目前根本没有考虑提前举行大选。”
4、By the time of the next election, the hacking saga will probably seem more of a sideshow than a slide into national decadence.───到下次大选时,QieTing事件看上去更有可能是一场花絮,而不会发展为全国性的堕落。
5、An election is pending in Italy.───意大利即将进行选举。
6、He did not always win popularity, or re-election.───他并不总受欢迎,也并不总能赢得选举。
7、We had an election last year.───我们去年进行了一次选举。
8、Hager, who has been a White House aide and worked on Bush's re-election campaign, is the son of John and Maggie Hager of Richmond, Va.───哈格曾是白宫的一名助手,并曾为布什连任竞选效力。他是弗吉尼亚州里士满约翰•哈格和麦琪•哈格的儿子。
9、IN HIS campaign for the general election on August 21st, Tony Abbott, the opposition leader, has run into a problem with women.───在8月21日大选的竞选活动中,FanDuiDang领袖托尼•艾伯特没能处理好与女性选民的关系。
1、The election results were nullified because of voter fraud.
2、Corruption was rife before the election.
3、In my humble opinion, he will win the election.
4、CNN televised the presidential election to the world.
5、The committees will be reconstituted after the election.
6、Some international observers have claimed the election was rigged.
7、In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever.
8、The Democrats appear to have the election sewn up.
1、To ordinary people the absence of a central authority since October's general election is not always noticeable.───从(去年)10月份大选过后的中央权力机关的缺失对于普通人来说并不能引起太大的注意。
2、They held a snap election.───他们临时举行了选举。
3、However, he said he was "not thinking at all about a double election at present" .───然而,安倍表示,他“目前根本没有考虑提前举行大选。”
4、By the time of the next election, the hacking saga will probably seem more of a sideshow than a slide into national decadence.───到下次大选时,QieTing事件看上去更有可能是一场花絮,而不会发展为全国性的堕落。
5、An election is pending in Italy.───意大利即将进行选举。
6、He did not always win popularity, or re-election.───他并不总受欢迎,也并不总能赢得选举。
7、We had an election last year.───我们去年进行了一次选举。
8、Hager, who has been a White House aide and worked on Bush's re-election campaign, is the son of John and Maggie Hager of Richmond, Va.───哈格曾是白宫的一名助手,并曾为布什连任竞选效力。他是弗吉尼亚州里士满约翰•哈格和麦琪•哈格的儿子。
9、IN HIS campaign for the general election on August 21st, Tony Abbott, the opposition leader, has run into a problem with women.───在8月21日大选的竞选活动中,FanDuiDang领袖托尼•艾伯特没能处理好与女性选民的关系。
1、The election results were nullified because of voter fraud.
2、Corruption was rife before the election.
3、In my humble opinion, he will win the election.
4、CNN televised the presidential election to the world.
5、The committees will be reconstituted after the election.
6、Some international observers have claimed the election was rigged.
7、In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever.
8、The Democrats appear to have the election sewn up.
9、The election was the main event of 1999.