1、The women were checking over their groceries and pinning their big red shawls about their heads.───妇女们开始清点她们买的杂货,把大红披肩披在头上。
2、I learned more from the 20 minutes of watching than I would have learned checking over the guide and testing the instructions for 3 days myself.───在20分钟的观察里,我学到的东西比我自己在3天里的还要多。在这3天里,我自己一遍一遍的检查和测试写好的Cao作指南。
3、method which uses geometry reasoning & degrees of freedom calculating based on constraint driven to solve the problem of checking over constraint & under constraint.───采用基于约束驱动的几何推理和自由度计算方法,设计了约束检查策略与算法,解决了过约束与欠约束检查问题。
4、By checking over past records you see how accurate this works out.───检索历史记录你可以找到这些价格上的变化是何等精确。
checking over(英语使用场景)
1、The women were checking over their groceries and pinning their big red shawls about their heads.
2、They spent the rest of the morning checking over their equipment.
checking over(意思翻译)
checking over(相似词语短语)
1、checking data───正在检查数据
2、checking in───登机手续;入住酒店
3、counter checking───银行取款单;柜台支票;对应检查;反检查
4、in checking───受控制的;受抑制的
6、checking fixture───检验夹具;n.检具
7、credit checking───信用调查;信贷调查
8、spot checking───现场检查;现场抽查;现场抽查,现场检查
9、checking media───正在检查媒体
checking over(双语使用场景)
1、The women were checking over their groceries and pinning their big red shawls about their heads.───妇女们开始清点她们买的杂货,把大红披肩披在头上。
2、I learned more from the 20 minutes of watching than I would have learned checking over the guide and testing the instructions for 3 days myself.───在20分钟的观察里,我学到的东西比我自己在3天里的还要多。在这3天里,我自己一遍一遍的检查和测试写好的Cao作指南。
3、method which uses geometry reasoning & degrees of freedom calculating based on constraint driven to solve the problem of checking over constraint & under constraint.───采用基于约束驱动的几何推理和自由度计算方法,设计了约束检查策略与算法,解决了过约束与欠约束检查问题。
4、By checking over past records you see how accurate this works out.───检索历史记录你可以找到这些价格上的变化是何等精确。
checking over(英语使用场景)
1、The women were checking over their groceries and pinning their big red shawls about their heads.
2、They spent the rest of the morning checking over their equipment.