1、Money worshipers have but one God.───金钱崇拜者只有一个上帝。
2、Suddenly, he jumped up to the move so much surprised the other worshipers.───突然,他跳起身来,这一举动使其他礼拜者大为惊讶。
3、An explosion at a mosque in the southern Somali city of Kismayu has killed at least one person, at least five worshipers were injured.───索马里南部城市基斯马尤一座QingZhen寺发生爆炸事件,造成至少一人死亡,5名礼拜者受伤。
4、Innumerable cases go straight to the same miserable end: God seems to refuse to help too many of His worshipers.───无数的情况下直接进入相同的可悲下场:上帝似乎拒绝帮助过他的崇拜者很多。
5、Jesus said, the Father seeks worshipers.───YeSu说:“父在寻找敬拜他的人。”
6、However, those sincere worshipers made mistakes; they did not follow the regulations for cleansing before coming to celebrate the Passover.───可惜,这些诚心到来敬拜的人犯了错误,在庆祝逾越节之前,他们没有照着洁净之礼自洁。
7、There's a tendency among worshipers of every religion to take on the character of their God.───每一种宗教的信徒,往往都会承袭他们敬奉的神的性情。
8、We're all sun worshipers at heart, whether viewed from our kitchen window, a neighborhood bench, or the beach.───我们从本质上来说都是太阳崇拜者,不管是从厨房的窗户看出去,坐在家附近的长凳上,还是躺在海滩上看落日。
9、These local associations of worshipers appear to have been a principal factor in the spread of the new cults.───这些崇拜者的地方协会出现的主要因素是新祭礼的传播。
1、Ancient worshipers of heartless Molech become heartless as they cast their children into sacrificial fires.
2、BOWED HEADS: Ethiopian Orthodox worshipers prayed before the traditional Washing of the Feet ceremony at the Ethiopian section of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City Thursday.
3、Some worshipers wear designer jeans and expensive, crocodile-skin boots, the uniform of many traffickers.
4、The worshipers kneeled at the altar rail to break bread.
5、A bell that summons worshipers to vespers.
6、One by one, worshipers walked to the front of the church.
7、Worshipers at the temple of just spell my name right may have forgotten that overbranding can take someone's reputation from Ferrari to clunker faster than anyone dreamed possible.
8、Baruch Goldstein shot dead 29 worshipers and wounded dozens more before he was killed by others at the shrine.
9、More than 1 million worshipers make the pilgrimage to Lhasa each year.
1、Money worshipers have but one God.───金钱崇拜者只有一个上帝。
2、Suddenly, he jumped up to the move so much surprised the other worshipers.───突然,他跳起身来,这一举动使其他礼拜者大为惊讶。
3、An explosion at a mosque in the southern Somali city of Kismayu has killed at least one person, at least five worshipers were injured.───索马里南部城市基斯马尤一座QingZhen寺发生爆炸事件,造成至少一人死亡,5名礼拜者受伤。
4、Innumerable cases go straight to the same miserable end: God seems to refuse to help too many of His worshipers.───无数的情况下直接进入相同的可悲下场:上帝似乎拒绝帮助过他的崇拜者很多。
5、Jesus said, the Father seeks worshipers.───YeSu说:“父在寻找敬拜他的人。”
6、However, those sincere worshipers made mistakes; they did not follow the regulations for cleansing before coming to celebrate the Passover.───可惜,这些诚心到来敬拜的人犯了错误,在庆祝逾越节之前,他们没有照着洁净之礼自洁。
7、There's a tendency among worshipers of every religion to take on the character of their God.───每一种宗教的信徒,往往都会承袭他们敬奉的神的性情。
8、We're all sun worshipers at heart, whether viewed from our kitchen window, a neighborhood bench, or the beach.───我们从本质上来说都是太阳崇拜者,不管是从厨房的窗户看出去,坐在家附近的长凳上,还是躺在海滩上看落日。
9、These local associations of worshipers appear to have been a principal factor in the spread of the new cults.───这些崇拜者的地方协会出现的主要因素是新祭礼的传播。
1、Ancient worshipers of heartless Molech become heartless as they cast their children into sacrificial fires.
2、BOWED HEADS: Ethiopian Orthodox worshipers prayed before the traditional Washing of the Feet ceremony at the Ethiopian section of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City Thursday.
3、Some worshipers wear designer jeans and expensive, crocodile-skin boots, the uniform of many traffickers.
4、The worshipers kneeled at the altar rail to break bread.
5、A bell that summons worshipers to vespers.
6、One by one, worshipers walked to the front of the church.
7、Worshipers at the temple of just spell my name right may have forgotten that overbranding can take someone's reputation from Ferrari to clunker faster than anyone dreamed possible.
8、Baruch Goldstein shot dead 29 worshipers and wounded dozens more before he was killed by others at the shrine.
9、More than 1 million worshipers make the pilgrimage to Lhasa each year.