1、As you start to brainstorm the project, you write down the major items on your project list one by one on the cards.───你一边动脑筋想这个项目,一边把它需要的主要项一一罗列在卡片上。
2、In this phase, the Project List is updated, the Implementation Plan is detailed, and the Blueprint is handed to the implementation teams.───在此阶段中,更新了项目列表 (Project List),详述了实现计划 (Implementation Plan),并且将蓝图传递给了实现团队。
3、Through the slope displacement forecasting of the Three Gorges Project list slope and Xintan slide, the results are satisfied.───通过对三峡升船机高边坡和新滩滑坡实际位移数据进行预测,研究了它们的混沌特征,结果令人满意。
4、Along with the project list, we'll begin writing up case studies of interesting cross industry projects much like we already do with games.───随着项目列表,我们将会开始写一些有关跨行业项目的案例学习,就像我们现在对游戏做的一样。
5、If this project is not located in the current solution, it will not be available in the DataSet Project list in the Properties window.───如果此项目不在当前解决方案中,则“属性”窗口的“数据集项目”列表中不会列出该项目。
6、Select a project name in the project list.───在Project列表之中选择一个项目名。
7、In the DataSet Project list, click the name of the project into which you want to generate the dataset code.───在“数据集项目”列表中,单击要在其中生成数据集代码的项目的名称。
8、Permit (temporary) for planning of pavilion construction project, list of items, topographic map, master plan and relevant drawings.───展馆建设工程规划许可证(临时)及项目表,地形图,总平面图和相关图纸
9、Select the check box beside any project that generates executable code consumed by the project indicated in the Project list.───选择所有将生成可执行代码的项目旁边的复选框,这些代码将由“项目”列表中所指示的项目使用。
project list(意思翻译)
project list(相似词语短语)
1、the project───项目
2、cadaster project───地籍工程
3、list list───列表列表
4、housing project───n.住房建造计划; 住房计划; 住房建筑方案;住宅区;住房建造计划
7、common project───普通项目;共同项目
8、dilluvia project───迪卢维亚项目
9、project leader───项目领导;规划指导者
project list(双语使用场景)
1、As you start to brainstorm the project, you write down the major items on your project list one by one on the cards.───你一边动脑筋想这个项目,一边把它需要的主要项一一罗列在卡片上。
2、In this phase, the Project List is updated, the Implementation Plan is detailed, and the Blueprint is handed to the implementation teams.───在此阶段中,更新了项目列表 (Project List),详述了实现计划 (Implementation Plan),并且将蓝图传递给了实现团队。
3、Through the slope displacement forecasting of the Three Gorges Project list slope and Xintan slide, the results are satisfied.───通过对三峡升船机高边坡和新滩滑坡实际位移数据进行预测,研究了它们的混沌特征,结果令人满意。
4、Along with the project list, we'll begin writing up case studies of interesting cross industry projects much like we already do with games.───随着项目列表,我们将会开始写一些有关跨行业项目的案例学习,就像我们现在对游戏做的一样。
5、If this project is not located in the current solution, it will not be available in the DataSet Project list in the Properties window.───如果此项目不在当前解决方案中,则“属性”窗口的“数据集项目”列表中不会列出该项目。
6、Select a project name in the project list.───在Project列表之中选择一个项目名。
7、In the DataSet Project list, click the name of the project into which you want to generate the dataset code.───在“数据集项目”列表中,单击要在其中生成数据集代码的项目的名称。
8、Permit (temporary) for planning of pavilion construction project, list of items, topographic map, master plan and relevant drawings.───展馆建设工程规划许可证(临时)及项目表,地形图,总平面图和相关图纸
9、Select the check box beside any project that generates executable code consumed by the project indicated in the Project list.───选择所有将生成可执行代码的项目旁边的复选框,这些代码将由“项目”列表中所指示的项目使用。