1、Anderson, the President of ACE Theatrical, said it would take a while to evaluate the extent of the damage, but he emphasized the company's commitment to the original design.───安德森,ACE剧场集团的负责人,表示考察剧院受损情况需要花费一些时间,不过他强调,修缮工作会遵循原有的设计。
2、I am design ace, I once had become beater master worker in such-and-such factory, a certain good sell.───我是设计高手,我曾经在某某厂当过打板师傅,某个好卖…
3、recited some recent front study on the students working sp ace. And it also discussed the way to design such environment ergonomically, especially the furniture in it.───引述了近期国内外关于在学生作业空间所作的前沿研究,并从人体工程学的角度阐述了如何以人为中心地设计这一空间,尤其是空间中的家具。
ace design(意思翻译)
ace design(相似词语短语)
1、chaldea ace───迦勒底王牌
2、r ace───vt.使参加比赛;和…竞赛;使急走,使全速行进;n.属,种;种族,人种;家庭,门第;赛事,赛跑;n.(Race)人名;(英)雷斯;(塞)拉采;vi.比速度,参加竞赛;全速行进
4、collars ace───领子王牌
5、ace───int.太棒了;太好了;n.幺点;直接得分的发球;佼佼者;(俚)最好的朋友;vt.以发球赢一分;击败;(在测试中)得高分;adj.一流的,突出的;n. (Ace)(克、美、英)埃斯(人名)
6、cottons ace───棉花王牌
7、ace of───王牌
8、ace out───占上风,得高分
9、gens ace───王牌家族
ace design(双语使用场景)
1、Anderson, the President of ACE Theatrical, said it would take a while to evaluate the extent of the damage, but he emphasized the company's commitment to the original design.───安德森,ACE剧场集团的负责人,表示考察剧院受损情况需要花费一些时间,不过他强调,修缮工作会遵循原有的设计。
2、I am design ace, I once had become beater master worker in such-and-such factory, a certain good sell.───我是设计高手,我曾经在某某厂当过打板师傅,某个好卖…
3、recited some recent front study on the students working sp ace. And it also discussed the way to design such environment ergonomically, especially the furniture in it.───引述了近期国内外关于在学生作业空间所作的前沿研究,并从人体工程学的角度阐述了如何以人为中心地设计这一空间,尤其是空间中的家具。