1、When the higher power arc is of the submerged arc type, the flux powder covering the weld metal pool must also be supported against the effects of gravity.───当高功率的弧是埋弧类型,通量粉末覆盖焊缝金属池还必须支持对重力的影响。
2、horizontal position welding, the gravity makes molten metal flow downward and sometimes causes weld defects such as undercut and overlap.───横向焊接时由于熔化金属重力的作用,会引起熔池金属下淌,从而产生咬边以及焊瘤等焊接缺陷。
3、With higher power arcs, the weld metal pool must be supported by supporting walls or barriers against the effect of gravity and be moulded to the required surface structure.───随着高功率弧,焊缝池必须辅之以支持墙壁或屏障对重力的影响,并塑造所需表面结构。
gravity weld(意思翻译)
gravity weld(相似词语短语)
2、gouged weld───福利
3、fillet weld───角焊缝,填角焊,贴角焊
4、autogenous weld───气焊
5、weld together───焊接在一起
6、gravity feed───重力自流进料;重力自动加料
7、scarfed weld───斜面焊接
8、weld symbols───焊接符号
9、weld wheels───焊接车轮
gravity weld(双语使用场景)
1、When the higher power arc is of the submerged arc type, the flux powder covering the weld metal pool must also be supported against the effects of gravity.───当高功率的弧是埋弧类型,通量粉末覆盖焊缝金属池还必须支持对重力的影响。
2、horizontal position welding, the gravity makes molten metal flow downward and sometimes causes weld defects such as undercut and overlap.───横向焊接时由于熔化金属重力的作用,会引起熔池金属下淌,从而产生咬边以及焊瘤等焊接缺陷。
3、With higher power arcs, the weld metal pool must be supported by supporting walls or barriers against the effect of gravity and be moulded to the required surface structure.───随着高功率弧,焊缝池必须辅之以支持墙壁或屏障对重力的影响,并塑造所需表面结构。