1、The company has the most comprehensive range of wine varieties, mainly stereotypes packaged food, alcoholic wholesale level.───公司拥有国内最齐全的洋酒品种,主要以定型包装食品,酒类批发为主。
2、Take a look at the ingredients of your favorite packaged food.───看一看,你喜欢的包装食品上面的成份表。
3、When ordering food or drinks or buying packaged food at the store, automatically go for the smallest size of any high-calorie items.───在点食物或饮料,或是在商店里买食品的时候,任何高卡路里的食物都选择最小分量的。
4、has been so since the 1960s when packaged food list appeared with the label: Store in the refrigerator.───自从20世纪60年代包装食品清单上的标签是“储存在冰箱里”以来,情况一直如此。
5、Well-known "astronomical moon cake" over-packaged food shall be outstanding representatives.───众所周知的“天价月饼”即为过度包装食品的突出代表。
6、That means depending on packaged food with high salt and sugar content.───这意味着要依赖高盐高糖的包装食品。
7、Packaged-food companies are hoping not to have to push further price increases for bread and other staples onto consumers.───生产包装食品的企业希望,原料价格的上涨不至于达到让他们不得不向消费者转嫁成本的地步。
8、We ensure that the packaged food can be well preserved on the shelf, thereby protecting the image of the retailer.───我们确保包装食品可以在货架上保存良好,从而保护零售商的形象。
9、They stopped in front of a display of packaged food and bright-colored sacks of litter.───他们在一个食品袋前停下脚步,那是一个色泽鲜艳的垃圾袋子。
packaged food(英语使用场景)
1、This paper briefly analyzed the deteriorative reasons of the packaged food, medicine, etc.
2、Have you ever wondered what all those ingredients listed on packaged food are?
packaged food(意思翻译)
packaged food(相似词语短语)
1、banteng food───半藤菜
2、bulk food───散装食品
3、food truck───流动餐车;美食车;快餐车
4、packaged goods───包装商品,包装货物
5、sugary food───含糖食物
6、packaged experience───打包体验
7、slugs food───鼻涕虫食物
8、thieve food───TouQie食物
packaged food(双语使用场景)
1、The company has the most comprehensive range of wine varieties, mainly stereotypes packaged food, alcoholic wholesale level.───公司拥有国内最齐全的洋酒品种,主要以定型包装食品,酒类批发为主。
2、Take a look at the ingredients of your favorite packaged food.───看一看,你喜欢的包装食品上面的成份表。
3、When ordering food or drinks or buying packaged food at the store, automatically go for the smallest size of any high-calorie items.───在点食物或饮料,或是在商店里买食品的时候,任何高卡路里的食物都选择最小分量的。
4、has been so since the 1960s when packaged food list appeared with the label: Store in the refrigerator.───自从20世纪60年代包装食品清单上的标签是“储存在冰箱里”以来,情况一直如此。
5、Well-known "astronomical moon cake" over-packaged food shall be outstanding representatives.───众所周知的“天价月饼”即为过度包装食品的突出代表。
6、That means depending on packaged food with high salt and sugar content.───这意味着要依赖高盐高糖的包装食品。
7、Packaged-food companies are hoping not to have to push further price increases for bread and other staples onto consumers.───生产包装食品的企业希望,原料价格的上涨不至于达到让他们不得不向消费者转嫁成本的地步。
8、We ensure that the packaged food can be well preserved on the shelf, thereby protecting the image of the retailer.───我们确保包装食品可以在货架上保存良好,从而保护零售商的形象。
9、They stopped in front of a display of packaged food and bright-colored sacks of litter.───他们在一个食品袋前停下脚步,那是一个色泽鲜艳的垃圾袋子。
packaged food(英语使用场景)
1、This paper briefly analyzed the deteriorative reasons of the packaged food, medicine, etc.
2、Have you ever wondered what all those ingredients listed on packaged food are?