1、tested and analyzed the Angle of the resting seat for comfort by blood flow from the state of the body, muscle activity, physical stability (center of pressure displacement) and so on.───针对休息座椅的舒适度,从人体血液流动状态、肌肉活动度、身体安定性(压力中心位移量)等项目出发,就座椅的相关角度进行了实验及分析。
2、And the designed sensor can also be used to measure some other types of linear displacement or rotation Angle.───所设计的传感器稍作改动,也可以用来测量其他形式的线位移或角位移。
3、Stepper motor is a motor controlled by digital signal, which converts pulse signal into Angle displacement. The wheeling speed is controlled by the frequency of pulse signal.───步进电机是一种数字控制电机,它将脉冲信号转变成角位移,电机的转速由脉冲信号频率决定。
angle of displacement(意思翻译)
angle of displacement(相似词语短语)
1、cloak of displacement 5e───置换斗篷5e
2、displacement value───置换价
3、displacement definition───位移定义
4、angle of elevation───[测][航]仰角
6、displacement activity───替代活动;[心理]替换活动
7、angle of view───[光]视角
8、displacement map───置换贴图
angle of displacement(双语使用场景)
1、tested and analyzed the Angle of the resting seat for comfort by blood flow from the state of the body, muscle activity, physical stability (center of pressure displacement) and so on.───针对休息座椅的舒适度,从人体血液流动状态、肌肉活动度、身体安定性(压力中心位移量)等项目出发,就座椅的相关角度进行了实验及分析。
2、And the designed sensor can also be used to measure some other types of linear displacement or rotation Angle.───所设计的传感器稍作改动,也可以用来测量其他形式的线位移或角位移。
3、Stepper motor is a motor controlled by digital signal, which converts pulse signal into Angle displacement. The wheeling speed is controlled by the frequency of pulse signal.───步进电机是一种数字控制电机,它将脉冲信号转变成角位移,电机的转速由脉冲信号频率决定。