1、Objective Tostudy how the cup changed in depth and to assess the value the cup depth related parameters in diagnosis of glaucomatous neuropathy.───目的探讨青光眼视杯深度变化规律及视杯深度在青光眼诊断中的作用。
2、This machine comes with a micro knob for fast adjustment of tin dipping depth by lifting the tin cup up for precise dipping depths.───本机以快速微调钮旋转方式调整点沾之深度,并也可调整小锡杯升起高度,使点沾度达到更准确。
3、The concern at the moment has to be over strength in depth and perhaps the best example of this came in the Carling Cup quarter final at West Ham.───现在曼联所需的就是增加板凳深度,最好的例子就是联赛杯四分之一决赛打西汉姆的比赛。
depth of cup(意思翻译)
depth of cup(相似词语短语)
3、cup of───……的奖杯;……的杯子
4、axially depth───轴向深度
5、moulded depth───[船]型深;模深
6、cup of tea───n.喜爱的人或事物,命运;n.命运;心爱之人或物
7、a cup of───一杯…;一杯。。。
8、midship depth───船中深度
9、great depth───大纵深;大深度
depth of cup(双语使用场景)
1、Objective Tostudy how the cup changed in depth and to assess the value the cup depth related parameters in diagnosis of glaucomatous neuropathy.───目的探讨青光眼视杯深度变化规律及视杯深度在青光眼诊断中的作用。
2、This machine comes with a micro knob for fast adjustment of tin dipping depth by lifting the tin cup up for precise dipping depths.───本机以快速微调钮旋转方式调整点沾之深度,并也可调整小锡杯升起高度,使点沾度达到更准确。
3、The concern at the moment has to be over strength in depth and perhaps the best example of this came in the Carling Cup quarter final at West Ham.───现在曼联所需的就是增加板凳深度,最好的例子就是联赛杯四分之一决赛打西汉姆的比赛。