1、Close each channel individually and measure the offset current after allowing the switching transients to decay and the current to stabilize.───分别关闭每个通道,并等待切换瞬态小时且电流稳定后,测量偏移电流。
2、Once a given combination of matrix CARDS, sourcing, and measuring devices is put together, it may be desirable to measure the offset current for various pathways to characterize the system.───一旦将矩阵卡、源和测量装置组合连接在一起之后,就可能希望测量不同通路的偏移电流,从而来表征XiTong。
3、To measure the offset of a switch card, connect the output of the card to a pico ammeter or electrometer.───要测量开关卡的偏移电流,请将卡的输出连接到一台皮安计或静电计。
measure offset(意思翻译)
measure offset(相似词语短语)
1、offset spatula───偏置刮刀
2、offset smoker───烟枪
3、top offset───顶部偏移量
5、clock offset───钟偏
6、probability measure───概率度量,概率测度;[数]概率测度;机率测度
7、offset printing───橡皮版印刷,胶印; 胶版印刷;[印刷]胶印,平版印刷;[印刷]胶版印刷;平板印刷
9、time offset───时间偏移
measure offset(双语使用场景)
1、Close each channel individually and measure the offset current after allowing the switching transients to decay and the current to stabilize.───分别关闭每个通道,并等待切换瞬态小时且电流稳定后,测量偏移电流。
2、Once a given combination of matrix CARDS, sourcing, and measuring devices is put together, it may be desirable to measure the offset current for various pathways to characterize the system.───一旦将矩阵卡、源和测量装置组合连接在一起之后,就可能希望测量不同通路的偏移电流,从而来表征XiTong。
3、To measure the offset of a switch card, connect the output of the card to a pico ammeter or electrometer.───要测量开关卡的偏移电流,请将卡的输出连接到一台皮安计或静电计。