1、The query annotation for this predicate shows that the predicate filter factor (FF) is 0.000014, or 0.0014%.───此谓词的查询注释显示谓词过滤因子(FF)是0.000014,或0.0014%。
2、The filter factor is a number between 0 and 1 that estimates the proportion of rows in a table for which the predicate is true.───过滤因子是0到1之间的一个数值,它用来评估表中谓词为真的行所占的比例。
3、To understand how the optimizer ends up with 0. 0014% as the filter factor, first look at the six elements in the IN list predicate.───为了了解优化器如何最终以0.0014%作为过滤因子,首先要查看在IN清单谓词上的6个元素。
4、For SQL statements with variables, the optimizer uses a default filter factor to determine the best access path at bind time.───对于带变量的SQL语句,优化器会使用一个默认过滤因子在绑定时确定最佳访问路径。
5、The filter factor indicates how selective the predicate is.───过滤因子表示谓词的选择性有多强。
6、The Filter factor for each predicate indicates the proportion of data the optimizer estimates will satisfy the predicate.───每个断言的筛选因子表示优化器估计符合断言的数据的比例。
7、FF (see number 6 in Figure 5) : Filter factor for the predicate.───FF(见图5中6):谓词的过滤因子。
8、Filter factor A multiple that indicates the increase in exposure required when such a filter is used.───滤色片系数只是用该滤色片所需的额外曝光倍数。
filter factor(英语使用场景)
1、Since it is a range predicate and there are no frequency and histogram statistics available, the filter factor is calculated with the basic statistics information HIGH2KEY and LOW2KEY.
2、For SQL statements with variables, the optimizer uses a default filter factor to determine the best access path at bind time.
filter factor(意思翻译)
filter factor(相似词语短语)
2、filter mask───[医]过滤器面具,过滤式防毒面具
3、genetic factor───遗传因子;遗传因素
4、critical factor───关键因素;临界因素;临界因子[因素]; 关键因素
5、dilution factor───[化学]稀释因子;稀释系数
6、fugacity factor───逸度因子
7、filter coffee───过滤式咖啡
8、filter───n. (Filter)(德)菲尔特(人名);v.过滤;渗透;用过滤法除去;慢慢传开;缓行;仅可左转行驶;n.过滤器;滤波器;筛选程序;分流指示灯
9、cabin filter───座舱过滤器
filter factor(双语使用场景)
1、The query annotation for this predicate shows that the predicate filter factor (FF) is 0.000014, or 0.0014%.───此谓词的查询注释显示谓词过滤因子(FF)是0.000014,或0.0014%。
2、The filter factor is a number between 0 and 1 that estimates the proportion of rows in a table for which the predicate is true.───过滤因子是0到1之间的一个数值,它用来评估表中谓词为真的行所占的比例。
3、To understand how the optimizer ends up with 0. 0014% as the filter factor, first look at the six elements in the IN list predicate.───为了了解优化器如何最终以0.0014%作为过滤因子,首先要查看在IN清单谓词上的6个元素。
4、For SQL statements with variables, the optimizer uses a default filter factor to determine the best access path at bind time.───对于带变量的SQL语句,优化器会使用一个默认过滤因子在绑定时确定最佳访问路径。
5、The filter factor indicates how selective the predicate is.───过滤因子表示谓词的选择性有多强。
6、The Filter factor for each predicate indicates the proportion of data the optimizer estimates will satisfy the predicate.───每个断言的筛选因子表示优化器估计符合断言的数据的比例。
7、FF (see number 6 in Figure 5) : Filter factor for the predicate.───FF(见图5中6):谓词的过滤因子。
8、Filter factor A multiple that indicates the increase in exposure required when such a filter is used.───滤色片系数只是用该滤色片所需的额外曝光倍数。
filter factor(英语使用场景)
1、Since it is a range predicate and there are no frequency and histogram statistics available, the filter factor is calculated with the basic statistics information HIGH2KEY and LOW2KEY.
2、For SQL statements with variables, the optimizer uses a default filter factor to determine the best access path at bind time.