1、No one 'ages out' of an SOS Village: vocational training, advanced education, living assistance and moral support are there forever.───对于让孤儿重新获得家庭关爱所作出的不懈努力,没人会被SOS村所忽略,学前教育、职业培训、生活资助与精神上的支持,这些都将永远存在。
2、Patients with advanced ages shows a relatively high incidence of complication after ERCP, which may not be related to other accompanying diseases.───患者ERCP的并发症发生率较高,但与合并其他XiTong疾病未必有关联。
3、For example, during past ice ages, glaciers advanced down through North America and Europe and gradually cut off parts of populations from one another.───例如,在过去的冰河时代,冰川向下穿过北美和欧洲,逐渐切断了部分人口之间的联系。
advanced ages(意思翻译)
advanced ages(相似词语短语)
1、advanced night───深夜
2、middle ages───n.中世纪;中世纪;中古时期
4、senators ages───参议员年龄
5、ages dcs───年龄dcs
6、for ages───很久;很长时间;很长时间; 许久
7、ages and ages───年龄和年龄
9、minors ages───未成年人年龄
advanced ages(双语使用场景)
1、No one 'ages out' of an SOS Village: vocational training, advanced education, living assistance and moral support are there forever.───对于让孤儿重新获得家庭关爱所作出的不懈努力,没人会被SOS村所忽略,学前教育、职业培训、生活资助与精神上的支持,这些都将永远存在。
2、Patients with advanced ages shows a relatively high incidence of complication after ERCP, which may not be related to other accompanying diseases.───患者ERCP的并发症发生率较高,但与合并其他XiTong疾病未必有关联。
3、For example, during past ice ages, glaciers advanced down through North America and Europe and gradually cut off parts of populations from one another.───例如,在过去的冰河时代,冰川向下穿过北美和欧洲,逐渐切断了部分人口之间的联系。