1、Once the Devil did so, Jack decided to keep the money and put it into his pocket next to a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from changing back into his original form.───一旦魔鬼这样做了,杰克就会把钱留下,放在他口袋中的英勇银十字章旁边,这样可以防止魔鬼变回去。
2、When I put the silver cross stab into your body that eternal o-quinones.───当我把银色的十字架刺进你那永恒的躯体中时。
3、She wears a small silver cross on a chain round her neck.───她脖子上戴著项链,上面挂著个银的小十字架。
4、On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor.───在他的铁甲上,有个银质的功勋十字章。
5、Upon the tallest tower was hoisted a vast white flag with a silver cross;───就在那座最高的塔上,飘扬着一面带有银色十字的大幅白旗。
6、The first words I write in the notebook covering my journey through Romania are: garlic, holy water, silver cross and wooden stake.───有关罗马尼亚的旅行,我在笔记本上写下的第一行字是:大蒜、圣水、银十字架和木桩。
7、n. She wore a small silver cross on a chain round her neck.───她脖子上戴著项链,上面挂着个小的银制十字架。
8、The band of monks entered (into) Canterbury, bearing before them a silver cross.───那伙修道士进入坎特伯雷,胸前佩戴银十字架。
silver cross(英语使用场景)
1、She wore a small silver cross on a chain round her neck.
2、Horrocks pulled the silver cross from his chest and hurled it from him.
3、Pectoral cross Among my first finds with a metal detector are this silver cross and two coins.
4、On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor.
5、My Silver Cross pushchair came from there.
6、In 1955 an 11-year-old Sunbeam was presented with the Silver Cross for rescuing her three sisters from their burning house.
silver cross(意思翻译)
silver cross(相似词语短语)
2、silver wedding───n.银婚(结婚二十五周年)
3、metallic silver───[医]金属银
4、silver copper───银铜
6、silver beach───银滩;[地名] [美国] 锡尔弗比奇
7、silver surfer───银发网民(指经常上互联网的老年人);银影侠(漫威漫画中的超级英雄角色)
8、sterling silver───标准纯银,法定纯度银制成品;n.标准纯银(纯度为92。5%)
9、silver grey───银灰色;银啡麻
silver cross(双语使用场景)
1、Once the Devil did so, Jack decided to keep the money and put it into his pocket next to a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from changing back into his original form.───一旦魔鬼这样做了,杰克就会把钱留下,放在他口袋中的英勇银十字章旁边,这样可以防止魔鬼变回去。
2、When I put the silver cross stab into your body that eternal o-quinones.───当我把银色的十字架刺进你那永恒的躯体中时。
3、She wears a small silver cross on a chain round her neck.───她脖子上戴著项链,上面挂著个银的小十字架。
4、On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor.───在他的铁甲上,有个银质的功勋十字章。
5、Upon the tallest tower was hoisted a vast white flag with a silver cross;───就在那座最高的塔上,飘扬着一面带有银色十字的大幅白旗。
6、The first words I write in the notebook covering my journey through Romania are: garlic, holy water, silver cross and wooden stake.───有关罗马尼亚的旅行,我在笔记本上写下的第一行字是:大蒜、圣水、银十字架和木桩。
7、n. She wore a small silver cross on a chain round her neck.───她脖子上戴著项链,上面挂着个小的银制十字架。
8、The band of monks entered (into) Canterbury, bearing before them a silver cross.───那伙修道士进入坎特伯雷,胸前佩戴银十字架。
silver cross(英语使用场景)
1、She wore a small silver cross on a chain round her neck.
2、Horrocks pulled the silver cross from his chest and hurled it from him.
3、Pectoral cross Among my first finds with a metal detector are this silver cross and two coins.
4、On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor.
5、My Silver Cross pushchair came from there.
6、In 1955 an 11-year-old Sunbeam was presented with the Silver Cross for rescuing her three sisters from their burning house.