1、extractAndVerifyCert() method, which reconstitutes the client’s digital certificate from the encoded data in the header, verifies the signer, and confirms that the certificate has not expired.───extractAndVerifyCert() 方法从消息头的编码数据中重建客户端的数字证书,核对签名并确认证书是否到期。
2、New home sales are counted when contracts are signed, which means that July was the third month of data after the credit had expired.───签约后,新的住房销售才会被算进去,这意味着7月份的数据是优惠政策结束后的第三个月的数据。
3、The component that removes expired data from Notification Services tables.───从NotificationServices表中删除过期数据的组件。
4、Analysts widely expect housing data to weaken in the coming months because the credit has expired.───分析师普遍预计,由于免税到期,今后几个月房屋数据走弱。
expired data(意思翻译)
expired data(相似词语短语)
1、love expired───爱情已经结束了
2、ursa expired───ursa过期
3、lc expired───信用证过期
4、expired account───过期帐户
5、data───n. (Data)(日)驮太(姓);(印、葡)达塔(人名);n.数据;资料
7、expired drugs───过期药品
8、page expired───页面已过期
9、expired food───过期食品
expired data(双语使用场景)
1、extractAndVerifyCert() method, which reconstitutes the client’s digital certificate from the encoded data in the header, verifies the signer, and confirms that the certificate has not expired.───extractAndVerifyCert() 方法从消息头的编码数据中重建客户端的数字证书,核对签名并确认证书是否到期。
2、New home sales are counted when contracts are signed, which means that July was the third month of data after the credit had expired.───签约后,新的住房销售才会被算进去,这意味着7月份的数据是优惠政策结束后的第三个月的数据。
3、The component that removes expired data from Notification Services tables.───从NotificationServices表中删除过期数据的组件。
4、Analysts widely expect housing data to weaken in the coming months because the credit has expired.───分析师普遍预计,由于免税到期,今后几个月房屋数据走弱。