1、Or, you can download the source files from download, unzip it, and open the outside_in.html file in your browser.───或者,也可以从下载部分下载源文件,解压,并在浏览器中打开outside_in . html文件。
2、Open the Project home page for the project that you want to download and select File > Download.───为您想要下载的项目打开 Project 主页并选择 File > Download。
3、Create the tables using the script provided in the download file included with this article. Open a shell and run this command.───使用本文包含的下载文件中提供的脚本创建一些表格。
open download file(意思翻译)
open download file(相似词语短语)
1、spigot download───插口下载
2、mumble download───咕哝下载
4、scad file───scad文件
5、opera download───opera下载
6、open file───打开文件;开启档案;非机密档案
7、cannot open file───无法打开文件
8、androxplorer file manager download───androxplorer文件管理器下载
9、download file───下载文件;[计]下装文件
open download file(双语使用场景)
1、Or, you can download the source files from download, unzip it, and open the outside_in.html file in your browser.───或者,也可以从下载部分下载源文件,解压,并在浏览器中打开outside_in . html文件。
2、Open the Project home page for the project that you want to download and select File > Download.───为您想要下载的项目打开 Project 主页并选择 File > Download。
3、Create the tables using the script provided in the download file included with this article. Open a shell and run this command.───使用本文包含的下载文件中提供的脚本创建一些表格。