1、Above some altitude within atmosphere layer, the boundary layer on after body will separate due to plume.───在大气层某一定的高度以上,火箭后体上的边界层将会由于羽流引起分离。
2、The aviation bomb is flying in the high density atmosphere layer. Its fight Mach number is generally 0.9.───航弹主要是在稠密的大气层中飞行,巡航马赫数一般在0.9附近。
3、The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur.───这些碎片本身几乎不含硫,但天文学家相信,木星外层大气之下的云层中确实含有硫。
atmosphere layer(意思翻译)
atmosphere layer(相似词语短语)
1、atmosphere pressure───大气压力,大气压强
2、overlying atmosphere───上覆大气
3、oxidizing atmosphere───[冶]氧化气氛;权化气氛
4、standard atmosphere───[气象]标准大气;n.标准大气
6、enliven atmosphere───活跃气氛
7、superabundant atmosphere───大气过剩
8、outer layer───外层(细胞次生壁外面的一层)
atmosphere layer(双语使用场景)
1、Above some altitude within atmosphere layer, the boundary layer on after body will separate due to plume.───在大气层某一定的高度以上,火箭后体上的边界层将会由于羽流引起分离。
2、The aviation bomb is flying in the high density atmosphere layer. Its fight Mach number is generally 0.9.───航弹主要是在稠密的大气层中飞行,巡航马赫数一般在0.9附近。
3、The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur.───这些碎片本身几乎不含硫,但天文学家相信,木星外层大气之下的云层中确实含有硫。