1、She belongs on the left wing of the Democratic Party.───她是MinZhuDang内的左翼分子。
2、But she is likely to face pressure from economists within her left-wing party, including Mr. Mantega, to intervene more heavily.───但在她所在的左翼政党里,她可能面临着包括巴西财长曼特加在内经济学家的压力,迫使其更大力干预汇市。
3、Some surveys predict that the party will come third, behind a left-wing party.───有的调查预测该党将排在第三位,落后给一左翼党。
4、Mr Valls also comes from a party whose left wing considers him unforgivably centrist;───瓦尔斯同样身在一个把他看做一个不可原谅的中间派的党内;
left wing party(意思翻译)
left wing party(相似词语短语)
1、left wing───左翼;左派(名词left-winger,形容词left-wing);n.左翼,左派; 左边锋
2、apterous wing───无翅
4、wing it───v.即兴表演
5、wing chan───陈咏
6、wing recipes───翅膀食谱
8、west wing───白宫群英(影集名); 白宫西厢;白宫群英(影集名);白宫西厢
left wing party(双语使用场景)
1、She belongs on the left wing of the Democratic Party.───她是MinZhuDang内的左翼分子。
2、But she is likely to face pressure from economists within her left-wing party, including Mr. Mantega, to intervene more heavily.───但在她所在的左翼政党里,她可能面临着包括巴西财长曼特加在内经济学家的压力,迫使其更大力干预汇市。
3、Some surveys predict that the party will come third, behind a left-wing party.───有的调查预测该党将排在第三位,落后给一左翼党。
4、Mr Valls also comes from a party whose left wing considers him unforgivably centrist;───瓦尔斯同样身在一个把他看做一个不可原谅的中间派的党内;