1、Aim To study the mathematical debates between Ferrari and Tartaglia in 1547? 1548.───目的研究费拉里和塔塔利亚1547 ? 1548年的数学论战。
2、Interior Minister Roberto Maroni told a news conference that groups praising Mr. Tartaglia had sprouted overnight on Facebook.───意大利内政部长马洛尼 (Roberto Maroni)在新闻发布会上说,赞扬塔尔塔利亚的Facebook群如雨后春笋般在一夜之间出现。
3、Fior began to boast that he was able to solve cubics and a challenge between him and Tartaglia was arranged in 1535.───塔塔利亚也自称能够解三次方程,于是两人在1535年进行了比赛。
4、A 42-year-old man, Massimo Tartaglia, was arrested on suspicion of a premeditated assault.───这位名叫Massimo Tartaglia的42岁男子因涉嫌有预谋的袭击而被警方逮捕。
5、Mr. Tartaglia, who has no criminal record, remained in police custody, being questioned by Milan prosecutors.───塔尔塔利亚没有犯罪纪录,目前仍被警方扣押,接受米兰检察官的讯问。
6、Sources close to the investigation named the man as Massimo Tartaglia.───调查方面的消息人士称这名男子名为马西莫·塔尔塔·格里亚。
7、Within hours, some 20, 000 people had signed up to Facebook groups lauding Mr Tartaglia as a hero.───几小时内,在社交网站Facebook上有大约20000人称赞Tartaglia先生为英雄。
1、Police said Mr. Tartaglia wielded a souvenir sculpture of Milan's spire - laden cathedral.
n. (Tartaglia)人名;(意)塔尔塔利亚
1、redstart def───红色启动定义
2、lets start───我们开始吧
3、happy start───开局愉快
4、the tartars───鞑靼人
5、start again───重新开始
6、delay start───[计]延迟启动
7、startles crossword clue───惊动纵横字谜线索
8、starts to───开始
9、starter unite───起动装置
10、tartars map───鞑靼地图
1、Aim To study the mathematical debates between Ferrari and Tartaglia in 1547? 1548.───目的研究费拉里和塔塔利亚1547 ? 1548年的数学论战。
2、Interior Minister Roberto Maroni told a news conference that groups praising Mr. Tartaglia had sprouted overnight on Facebook.───意大利内政部长马洛尼 (Roberto Maroni)在新闻发布会上说,赞扬塔尔塔利亚的Facebook群如雨后春笋般在一夜之间出现。
3、Fior began to boast that he was able to solve cubics and a challenge between him and Tartaglia was arranged in 1535.───塔塔利亚也自称能够解三次方程,于是两人在1535年进行了比赛。
4、A 42-year-old man, Massimo Tartaglia, was arrested on suspicion of a premeditated assault.───这位名叫Massimo Tartaglia的42岁男子因涉嫌有预谋的袭击而被警方逮捕。
5、Mr. Tartaglia, who has no criminal record, remained in police custody, being questioned by Milan prosecutors.───塔尔塔利亚没有犯罪纪录,目前仍被警方扣押,接受米兰检察官的讯问。
6、Sources close to the investigation named the man as Massimo Tartaglia.───调查方面的消息人士称这名男子名为马西莫·塔尔塔·格里亚。
7、Within hours, some 20, 000 people had signed up to Facebook groups lauding Mr Tartaglia as a hero.───几小时内,在社交网站Facebook上有大约20000人称赞Tartaglia先生为英雄。
1、Police said Mr. Tartaglia wielded a souvenir sculpture of Milan's spire - laden cathedral.