9、For No Reason───无缘无故; 无端; 没有理由的; 平白;无缘无故;无端;没有理由的
have no reason to do(双语使用场景)
1、So, as the song goes, do short people really have no reason to live, or is that a tall tale?───因此,正如那首歌里唱到的,个子矮的人是不是真的没有活下去的理由了?还是这真的夸大其词了?
2、Do you think I would have no reason to do the live front?───你们认为我会毫无理由的身处前线吗?
3、If you don't know why you're saving and investing, you have no reason to do so.───假如你不知道自己为什么要存钱、投资的话,那你就没理由去做了。
4、I still need to follow the process to go, I have no reason to do it again and again to apply the rules to break my company.───我公司还是需要按照流程去走,我没有理由一而再的去做申请去打破我公司的规则。
5、I categorically immediately answered: Absolutely not, I have no reason to do so.───我立刻斩钉截铁地回答:“绝对不是,我没有理由那样做。”
have no reason to do(意思翻译)
have no reason to do(相似词语短语)
1、No reason───没有理由
3、reason to───理由
4、have little to do───无事可做
5、only have to do───只需要做
6、have to do with───v.与…有关; 干; 相干
7、have no choice but to do───别无选择;只能…
8、have to do───不得不做某事;必须,不得不,只好
9、For No Reason───无缘无故; 无端; 没有理由的; 平白;无缘无故;无端;没有理由的
have no reason to do(双语使用场景)
1、So, as the song goes, do short people really have no reason to live, or is that a tall tale?───因此,正如那首歌里唱到的,个子矮的人是不是真的没有活下去的理由了?还是这真的夸大其词了?
2、Do you think I would have no reason to do the live front?───你们认为我会毫无理由的身处前线吗?
3、If you don't know why you're saving and investing, you have no reason to do so.───假如你不知道自己为什么要存钱、投资的话,那你就没理由去做了。
4、I still need to follow the process to go, I have no reason to do it again and again to apply the rules to break my company.───我公司还是需要按照流程去走,我没有理由一而再的去做申请去打破我公司的规则。
5、I categorically immediately answered: Absolutely not, I have no reason to do so.───我立刻斩钉截铁地回答:“绝对不是,我没有理由那样做。”