2、you need to be more mature. You are a perfectionist, but nothing is perfect in this world.───你要变得成熟些,你是个追求完美的人,但是遗憾总是存在的;
3、Things might not go your way sometimes when you try to accomplish your dream but you have to understand that nothing is perfect and planned.───实现梦想的过程难免不顺,但是你要明白没有所谓的完美和注定。
4、It's important to understand that no one and nothing is perfect.───没有完美的人和事物,认识到这一点很重要。
5、We realize that nothing is perfect, we hope to get progress constantly companied by you together.───我们认识到没有完美的事物,我们时刻敞开大门希望与您一起共同进步。
6、Like I said nothing is perfect but I do not think the examples you list are as simple as you want everyone to think.───就像我说的没有什么是完美的,但是我也不认同你所列出的例子,不是每个人都像你想的那么简单。
7、Nothing is perfect, of course: markets can be distorted by falsehood or manipulation, and so can the internet.───当然,凡事没有十全十美:弄虚作假和人为Cao纵可以扭曲市场,互联网也难逃此劫。
8、Nothing is perfect in life and it would be bloody boring if it was.───生活中没有十全十美的事,即使有,那也将会是特别乏味的。
nothing is perfect(英语使用场景)
1、In this earthly life nothing is perfect.
2、One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist...Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist. Stephen Hawking
nothing is perfect(意思翻译)
nothing is perfect(相似词语短语)
1、money is nothing───钱什么都不是
2、he is perfect───他很完美
3、perfect───n.完成式;vt.使完美;使熟练;adj.完美的;最好的;精通的;n. (Perfect)(美、爱、英)珀费克特(人名)
5、it is nothing───没什么
6、nothing is───什么都不是
7、nothing is over───什么都没有结束
8、impossible is nothing───没有不可能;一切皆有可能
9、nothing is impossible───[电影]情意拳拳;情意拳拳(电影名)
nothing is perfect(双语使用场景)
1、Nothing is perfect.───没有事情是完美的。
2、you need to be more mature. You are a perfectionist, but nothing is perfect in this world.───你要变得成熟些,你是个追求完美的人,但是遗憾总是存在的;
3、Things might not go your way sometimes when you try to accomplish your dream but you have to understand that nothing is perfect and planned.───实现梦想的过程难免不顺,但是你要明白没有所谓的完美和注定。
4、It's important to understand that no one and nothing is perfect.───没有完美的人和事物,认识到这一点很重要。
5、We realize that nothing is perfect, we hope to get progress constantly companied by you together.───我们认识到没有完美的事物,我们时刻敞开大门希望与您一起共同进步。
6、Like I said nothing is perfect but I do not think the examples you list are as simple as you want everyone to think.───就像我说的没有什么是完美的,但是我也不认同你所列出的例子,不是每个人都像你想的那么简单。
7、Nothing is perfect, of course: markets can be distorted by falsehood or manipulation, and so can the internet.───当然,凡事没有十全十美:弄虚作假和人为Cao纵可以扭曲市场,互联网也难逃此劫。
8、Nothing is perfect in life and it would be bloody boring if it was.───生活中没有十全十美的事,即使有,那也将会是特别乏味的。
nothing is perfect(英语使用场景)
1、In this earthly life nothing is perfect.
2、One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist...Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist. Stephen Hawking