1、The estimate for extra staff and consequential costs such as accommodation was an annual $9.18 million.───额外员工引起的如住宿成本等估计每年为918万美元。
2、That number will jump by at least 600, the preliminary estimate for the number of pieces from Tuesday's collision.───从周二卫星相撞后产生的碎片数量初步估计,在此基础上碎片数至少会增加600。
3、How much memory do I need to estimate for the web server?───对于网络服务器我需要预算多少钱呢?
4、Sinolink did not provide an estimate for how many more small aircraft would be sold with the opening of airspace up to 4, 000m.───假如中国开放4000米以下空域,小型飞机的销售量会提高多少?国金证券并未给出相关估计。
5、I'll prepare a revised estimate for you.───我将为你准备一份经过修正的评估报告。
6、How much disk space do I need to estimate for my database server?───对于我的数据库服务器,我需要估算多少硬盘空间呢?
7、I asked three building firms to estimate for the repairs to the house.───我请了三家建筑公司估算修理房屋的费用。
8、Growth last quarter was more than the median estimate for a 23 percent increase in a Bloomberg News survey of 12 economists.───根据彭博新闻社12位经济学家的调查,上一季度的增长是大约超过估计的平均值23%。
9、Such a single point figure permits at best a detection range estimate for a known radar operating at the specified wavelength and aspect.───这种单个点阵图所表示的最大范围只是一个已知雷达在规定波长和位面的探测距离。
estimate for(英语使用场景)
1、We will send you an estimate for the work without obligation .
2、The painter's estimate for painting the whole house was 1000 dollars.
3、I asked the building firm to estimate for the repairs to the stairs.
4、Did the engineer estimate for building the bridge?
5、We will send you an estimate for the repairs.
6、The actual estimate for extra staff and consequential costs such as accommodation was an annual £9.18m.
7、The estimate for the building work had to be revised upwards.
8、I'll prepare a revised estimate for you.
9、The garage said they'd send me an estimate for the work.
estimate for(意思翻译)
estimate for(相似词语短语)
2、varying estimate───变动估计
3、conservative estimate───审慎估计,保守估计
4、estimate to───估计到
5、b estimate───b估算
6、resolvent estimate───预解估计
7、roughly estimate───粗略估计
8、rough estimate───粗估,粗算;[数]粗略的估计,[统计]粗算
9、fers estimate───FER估算
estimate for(双语使用场景)
1、The estimate for extra staff and consequential costs such as accommodation was an annual $9.18 million.───额外员工引起的如住宿成本等估计每年为918万美元。
2、That number will jump by at least 600, the preliminary estimate for the number of pieces from Tuesday's collision.───从周二卫星相撞后产生的碎片数量初步估计,在此基础上碎片数至少会增加600。
3、How much memory do I need to estimate for the web server?───对于网络服务器我需要预算多少钱呢?
4、Sinolink did not provide an estimate for how many more small aircraft would be sold with the opening of airspace up to 4, 000m.───假如中国开放4000米以下空域,小型飞机的销售量会提高多少?国金证券并未给出相关估计。
5、I'll prepare a revised estimate for you.───我将为你准备一份经过修正的评估报告。
6、How much disk space do I need to estimate for my database server?───对于我的数据库服务器,我需要估算多少硬盘空间呢?
7、I asked three building firms to estimate for the repairs to the house.───我请了三家建筑公司估算修理房屋的费用。
8、Growth last quarter was more than the median estimate for a 23 percent increase in a Bloomberg News survey of 12 economists.───根据彭博新闻社12位经济学家的调查,上一季度的增长是大约超过估计的平均值23%。
9、Such a single point figure permits at best a detection range estimate for a known radar operating at the specified wavelength and aspect.───这种单个点阵图所表示的最大范围只是一个已知雷达在规定波长和位面的探测距离。
estimate for(英语使用场景)
1、We will send you an estimate for the work without obligation .
2、The painter's estimate for painting the whole house was 1000 dollars.
3、I asked the building firm to estimate for the repairs to the stairs.
4、Did the engineer estimate for building the bridge?
5、We will send you an estimate for the repairs.
6、The actual estimate for extra staff and consequential costs such as accommodation was an annual £9.18m.
7、The estimate for the building work had to be revised upwards.
8、I'll prepare a revised estimate for you.
9、The garage said they'd send me an estimate for the work.