1、The Home Depot in Watchung, N. J. , sold every snow blower and shovel it had in stock after customers lined up out the door.───在店门外排队等候的消费者使新泽西州家得宝 (Home Depot)卖光了所有库存的吹雪机和铲雪机。
2、I shovel it out of pan.───我把它铲出了锅。
3、With a good shovel, you can cut an outline of the garden in the grass. Your child can then pull the sod away and set it aside it for composting.───用一把好铲子在草地上划出花园的轮廓。你的孩子可以把草皮拉开,把它放在一边用作堆肥。
4、Me quickly found tools, hard to dig it , shovel it …───我很快找到了工具,努力去挖掘,铲它…
shovel it(英语使用场景)
1、You might as well take money and shovel it down the drain.
shovel it(意思翻译)
shovel it(相似词语短语)
1、ditcher shovel───挖沟机
2、power shovel───电铲;机铲,动力铲;挖土机;动力铲,机铲,铲土机; 掘土机; 电铲
3、winnowing shovel───风铲
5、salty shovel───咸铲
6、crumbing shovel───碎土铲
7、steam shovel───n.<美>蒸汽铲,蒸汽挖土机
8、shovel snow───铲雪
shovel it(双语使用场景)
1、The Home Depot in Watchung, N. J. , sold every snow blower and shovel it had in stock after customers lined up out the door.───在店门外排队等候的消费者使新泽西州家得宝 (Home Depot)卖光了所有库存的吹雪机和铲雪机。
2、I shovel it out of pan.───我把它铲出了锅。
3、With a good shovel, you can cut an outline of the garden in the grass. Your child can then pull the sod away and set it aside it for composting.───用一把好铲子在草地上划出花园的轮廓。你的孩子可以把草皮拉开,把它放在一边用作堆肥。
4、Me quickly found tools, hard to dig it , shovel it …───我很快找到了工具,努力去挖掘,铲它…
shovel it(英语使用场景)
1、You might as well take money and shovel it down the drain.