1、The effects of soil loose on physiological characters and tuber yield formation of Solanum tuberosum L were studied.───研究土壤疏松对马铃薯生理特性和块茎产量形成的影响。
2、effects of pre- flowering photoperiodic treatments on the post-flowering-development, yield formation and chemical quality of soybeans were studied.───研究了开花前不同光照处理对大豆开花后的发育、产量形成和品质性状的影响。
3、A field experiment was conducted to study effects of root pruning at returning green stage on population structure, soil water and yield formation of winter wheat.───通过田间试验研究了返青期不同程度根修剪处理对冬小麦群体结构、土壤水分及产量形成的影响。
formation yield(意思翻译)
formation yield(相似词语短语)
1、arbitrage yield───套利收益率
2、yield strength───屈变力,屈服强度,抗屈强度;[力]屈服强度;屈变力;抗屈强度
4、interpolated yield───插值收益率
5、yield on───屈服于
6、gross yield───(除税前的)毛收益率
8、overall yield───总产量;总回收率,总收率
9、droit formation───法律培训
formation yield(双语使用场景)
1、The effects of soil loose on physiological characters and tuber yield formation of Solanum tuberosum L were studied.───研究土壤疏松对马铃薯生理特性和块茎产量形成的影响。
2、effects of pre- flowering photoperiodic treatments on the post-flowering-development, yield formation and chemical quality of soybeans were studied.───研究了开花前不同光照处理对大豆开花后的发育、产量形成和品质性状的影响。
3、A field experiment was conducted to study effects of root pruning at returning green stage on population structure, soil water and yield formation of winter wheat.───通过田间试验研究了返青期不同程度根修剪处理对冬小麦群体结构、土壤水分及产量形成的影响。