1、The most common secondary changes of pyroxene are the petrochemistry and the petrochemistry.───辉石最常见的次生变化是蛇纹石化和纤闪石化。
2、Methods Through the methods of petrochemistry and Rb, Sr, O, S isotope geology and inclusion research.───方法应用岩石化学及铷、锶、硫、氧等同位素地质及包裹体研究方法。
3、Machinery, metallurgy and petrochemistry are the top three advantageous industries in Liaoning.───机械、冶金、石化是辽宁三大优势产业。
4、According to the major elements analysis, the classification of tailings in Gejiu tin-polymetallic mine was made by the petrochemistry.───根据常量元素分析结果,对个旧地区锡多金属矿尾矿进行了岩石化学分类;
5、The data and graphs from petrochemistry and geochemistry approve that the tectonic setting is continental margin arc.───岩石化学及地球化学的各种参数和图解表明,其形成于陆缘岛弧环境。
6、belong series of the alkaline basalt, and have character of island ocean in geochemistry and petrochemistry.───岩石化学、球化学特征表明,该组火山岩属碱性玄武岩系列大西洋型(质类型)具洋岛特征。
7、Petrochemistry analysis of pumice component indicates that the magma can be assigned to trachytic magma.───碎屑堆积物中的浮岩岩石化学分析结果表明岩浆成分为粗面质。
8、Metal, machinery, fishery, aquaculture, petrochemistry, civil engineering, industry waste disposal, oil-related heavy industry.───金属、机械制造、渔业、水产、石油化工、建筑土木工程、产业废弃物处理、油类相关的重工业。
9、In Brunei, the two parties decided to concentrate their cooperation in the fields of petrochemistry, tourism and agriculture.───在文莱,双方决定把石油化工、旅游、农业作为今后合作重点。
1、The most common secondary changes of pyroxene are the petrochemistry and the petrochemistry.───辉石最常见的次生变化是蛇纹石化和纤闪石化。
2、Methods Through the methods of petrochemistry and Rb, Sr, O, S isotope geology and inclusion research.───方法应用岩石化学及铷、锶、硫、氧等同位素地质及包裹体研究方法。
3、Machinery, metallurgy and petrochemistry are the top three advantageous industries in Liaoning.───机械、冶金、石化是辽宁三大优势产业。
4、According to the major elements analysis, the classification of tailings in Gejiu tin-polymetallic mine was made by the petrochemistry.───根据常量元素分析结果,对个旧地区锡多金属矿尾矿进行了岩石化学分类;
5、The data and graphs from petrochemistry and geochemistry approve that the tectonic setting is continental margin arc.───岩石化学及地球化学的各种参数和图解表明,其形成于陆缘岛弧环境。
6、belong series of the alkaline basalt, and have character of island ocean in geochemistry and petrochemistry.───岩石化学、球化学特征表明,该组火山岩属碱性玄武岩系列大西洋型(质类型)具洋岛特征。
7、Petrochemistry analysis of pumice component indicates that the magma can be assigned to trachytic magma.───碎屑堆积物中的浮岩岩石化学分析结果表明岩浆成分为粗面质。
8、Metal, machinery, fishery, aquaculture, petrochemistry, civil engineering, industry waste disposal, oil-related heavy industry.───金属、机械制造、渔业、水产、石油化工、建筑土木工程、产业废弃物处理、油类相关的重工业。
9、In Brunei, the two parties decided to concentrate their cooperation in the fields of petrochemistry, tourism and agriculture.───在文莱,双方决定把石油化工、旅游、农业作为今后合作重点。