1、"Tergiversate" is Word of The Year 2011 according to Dictionary. com.───“摇摆不定”当选为“字典网”的2011年度热词。
2、Tergiversate, which dates back to 1645, edged out several other words related to ongoing economic troubles, including austerity, occupy, and jobs.───搪塞这个可以追溯到1645年的单词战胜了一些与当下经济困境相关的词语成为了年度最热门词汇,包括紧缩,占领以及工作。
1、Tergiversate, which dates back to 1645, edged out several other words related to ongoing economic troubles, including austerity, occupy, and jobs.
2、Tergiversate is Word of The Year 2011 according to Dictionary. com.
1、"Tergiversate" is Word of The Year 2011 according to Dictionary. com.───“摇摆不定”当选为“字典网”的2011年度热词。
2、Tergiversate, which dates back to 1645, edged out several other words related to ongoing economic troubles, including austerity, occupy, and jobs.───搪塞这个可以追溯到1645年的单词战胜了一些与当下经济困境相关的词语成为了年度最热门词汇,包括紧缩,占领以及工作。
1、Tergiversate, which dates back to 1645, edged out several other words related to ongoing economic troubles, including austerity, occupy, and jobs.
2、Tergiversate is Word of The Year 2011 according to Dictionary. com.