1、But now, after more than three decades in the wilderness, Keynesian-style fiscal policy seems to be staging a comeback.───但现在,在隐居幕后三十多年以后,凯恩斯式的财政政策似乎要卷土重来。
2、These myths were injected into the mainstream mainly by Keynesian economists or demand-siders who were trying to influence public policy.───这些扯谈论调主要都是由拥护凯恩斯的主流经济学家或是试图影响公共政策的利益相关者炮制出来的。
3、On the economic front, it would be wise to have a plan B in case Keynesian fears about overstringent cuts turn out to be right.───在经济方面,为防止凯恩斯主义者对过于严厉的削减的担忧成为现实,政府采取B计划是明智之举。
4、The Case against Keynesian theory.───反对凯恩斯主义理论的事件。
5、era’s deficit hawk is another era’s Keynesian. ───时代的赤字鹰派就是下个时代的凯恩斯主义者。
6、the results were clearly Keynesian.───结果是明显的凯恩斯主义者。
7、Renowned economist Hyman Minsky explained that this was one of the inherent flaws of the Keynesian neo-classical synthesis.───著名经济学家海曼•明斯基 (Hyman Minsky)曾解释道,这是凯恩斯新古典综合学派理论的固有缺陷之一。
8、Keynesian economics, which had been nearly forgotten inside the macro field, has found new voices from outside.───在宏观领域内部被遗忘殆尽的凯恩斯主义经济学,从外部找到了新的代言人。
9、NARRATOR: For what came to be known as the "Thirty Glorious Years, " Keynesian economics had been delivering the goods.───旁白:对于著名的“光辉的三十年”来说,凯恩斯经济学贡献很大。
1、keynesian economics───凯恩斯主义经济学;[经]凯恩斯经济学;凯恩斯学派;凯恩斯经济学,凯恩斯派经济学,凯恩斯学派经济学
1、But now, after more than three decades in the wilderness, Keynesian-style fiscal policy seems to be staging a comeback.───但现在,在隐居幕后三十多年以后,凯恩斯式的财政政策似乎要卷土重来。
2、These myths were injected into the mainstream mainly by Keynesian economists or demand-siders who were trying to influence public policy.───这些扯谈论调主要都是由拥护凯恩斯的主流经济学家或是试图影响公共政策的利益相关者炮制出来的。
3、On the economic front, it would be wise to have a plan B in case Keynesian fears about overstringent cuts turn out to be right.───在经济方面,为防止凯恩斯主义者对过于严厉的削减的担忧成为现实,政府采取B计划是明智之举。
4、The Case against Keynesian theory.───反对凯恩斯主义理论的事件。
5、era’s deficit hawk is another era’s Keynesian. ───时代的赤字鹰派就是下个时代的凯恩斯主义者。
6、the results were clearly Keynesian.───结果是明显的凯恩斯主义者。
7、Renowned economist Hyman Minsky explained that this was one of the inherent flaws of the Keynesian neo-classical synthesis.───著名经济学家海曼•明斯基 (Hyman Minsky)曾解释道,这是凯恩斯新古典综合学派理论的固有缺陷之一。
8、Keynesian economics, which had been nearly forgotten inside the macro field, has found new voices from outside.───在宏观领域内部被遗忘殆尽的凯恩斯主义经济学,从外部找到了新的代言人。
9、NARRATOR: For what came to be known as the "Thirty Glorious Years, " Keynesian economics had been delivering the goods.───旁白:对于著名的“光辉的三十年”来说,凯恩斯经济学贡献很大。