1、Centering on building domain ontology of crops cultivation, this paper discussed the ontology building principles, building methods and the evaluation of domain ontology.───围绕构建“农作物栽培”领域本体,探讨了本体构建的原则,常用的构建方法和本体的评估内容等。
2、Performance standards in building; Principles for their preparation and factors to be considered───建筑物性能标准.标准的制定原则和所考虑的因素
3、Joints in building; Principles for jointing of building components; Accommodation of dimensional deviations during construction───建筑物的接缝.建筑物构件分连接的原则.施工尺寸偏差的调节
4、China's explicit commitment to green building principles began several years into the nationwide building boom.───就在中国明确承诺坚持绿色建筑原则的好几年前,全国就已进入建筑热潮期。
5、Modular coordination in building- principles and recommendation───建筑模块配位原则及标准
6、Understands basic building principles and works with Project Managers and designers to expand that knowledge as it applies to each project.───同项目经理和其他设计人员将设计知识,建筑原理充分运用到每一个项目中去;
7、It has great significance, and the building principles are: it produces a diversity of retrieval;───其构建原则是:浏览检索入口多样化原则;符合人们复杂的认知规律与认知习惯;
8、Its principles may be applied to building process extensions in the manner described in this article.───它的原则可以通过本文中所描述的方式被应用到构建过程扩展中。
9、Taking Urumqi River Basin as a test region, this paper presents the building principles and approaches of multi-objective grey decision models for land irrigation system in the basin.───本文以WuLuMuQi河流域为试验区,介绍了干旱区流域土地灌溉XiTong的多目标灰色决策模型的构造原理和方法。
building principles(意思翻译)
building principles(相似词语短语)
1、principles of───……的原则
2、basic principles───基本原则(basicprinciple的复数)
3、accounting principles───会计原理,会计原则;[会计]会计原理,会计学
4、seduction principles───诱惑原则
5、guiding principles───指导原则(guidingprinciple的复数);虚
6、principles office───原则办公室
7、fundamental principles───基本原则(fundamental principle的名词复数);基本原则(fundamentalprinciple的名词复数)
building principles(双语使用场景)
1、Centering on building domain ontology of crops cultivation, this paper discussed the ontology building principles, building methods and the evaluation of domain ontology.───围绕构建“农作物栽培”领域本体,探讨了本体构建的原则,常用的构建方法和本体的评估内容等。
2、Performance standards in building; Principles for their preparation and factors to be considered───建筑物性能标准.标准的制定原则和所考虑的因素
3、Joints in building; Principles for jointing of building components; Accommodation of dimensional deviations during construction───建筑物的接缝.建筑物构件分连接的原则.施工尺寸偏差的调节
4、China's explicit commitment to green building principles began several years into the nationwide building boom.───就在中国明确承诺坚持绿色建筑原则的好几年前,全国就已进入建筑热潮期。
5、Modular coordination in building- principles and recommendation───建筑模块配位原则及标准
6、Understands basic building principles and works with Project Managers and designers to expand that knowledge as it applies to each project.───同项目经理和其他设计人员将设计知识,建筑原理充分运用到每一个项目中去;
7、It has great significance, and the building principles are: it produces a diversity of retrieval;───其构建原则是:浏览检索入口多样化原则;符合人们复杂的认知规律与认知习惯;
8、Its principles may be applied to building process extensions in the manner described in this article.───它的原则可以通过本文中所描述的方式被应用到构建过程扩展中。
9、Taking Urumqi River Basin as a test region, this paper presents the building principles and approaches of multi-objective grey decision models for land irrigation system in the basin.───本文以WuLuMuQi河流域为试验区,介绍了干旱区流域土地灌溉XiTong的多目标灰色决策模型的构造原理和方法。